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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advances in Multi-Principal Element Alloys IV: Mechanical Behavior
Presentation Title Damage Tolerance in bcc vs. fcc High-Entropy Alloys
Author(s) Robert O. Ritchie, Andrew M. Minor, Mark Asta, Punit Kumar, David Cook, Madelyn Payne, Wenqing Wang, Pedro P.P.O. Borges
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Robert O. Ritchie
Abstract Scope Face-centered cubic (fcc) medium- and high-entropy alloys (HEAs) can display exceptional combinations of strength, tensile ductility and fracture toughness, properties that can be further enhanced at cryogenic temperatures. Body-centered cubic (bcc) refractory RHEAs, conversely, can display exceptional strength and compressive ductility at elevated temperatures, but are often compromised by poor lower-temperature behavior. We examine here the damage-tolerance of these two classes of multiple principal-element alloys, and show that whereas some of the fcc HEAs exhibit among highest toughness values on record, even under extreme conditions of ultrahigh strain rates and liquid-helium temperatures, the bcc HEAs can display extremely low toughness when subject to tensile loading. We explore the reasons for such distinct properties, and investigate why most bcc HEAs are markedly brittle, whereas a few, such as NbTaTiHf, can display remarkably high toughness. We further examine the role of short-range order and indicate its possible mechanistic relevance to damage tolerance.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Mechanical Properties, High-Entropy Alloys, High-Temperature Materials


100+ Fold Acceleration in Multi-Objective Alloy Development: Application of the BIRDSHOT Framework to the Efficient Exploration of FCC HEA Alloy Spaces
A Molecular Dynamics Multi-Particle Model for Modeling Hot-Press Sintering Process of HEAs Combined with Phase-Field Simulation
Achieving High Strength and Ductility in Single-Phase Refractory Multi-Principle-Element Alloys via DFT-Guided Tailoring of Chemical Short-Range Order
Additive Manufacturing of Emerging Complex Alloys
Alloy Design, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties of CoFeNi Medium Entropy Alloy with Vanadium and Carbon Addition
Bidirectional Transformation in a Low Energy Interface Engineered Metastable High Entropy Alloy Under Dynamic Loading
Characteristic Dislocation Slips in Polycrystalline HfNbTiZr Equi-Atomic Alloy
Cluster-Model-Based Composition Design Method for High-Entropy Alloys
CMT-Associated Superior Mechanical Properties in Multi-Principal Element Alloys
Competition Between Faulting Plasticity and Transformation-Induced Plasticity at Cryogenic Temperatures
Composition Design of Refractory High-Entropy Alloys with Machine Learning Models
Compositional Effect on Microstructure and Deformation Behavior of Metastable Refractory High-Entropy Alloys
Computational Design of Cost-Effective High-Entropy Thermal/Environmental Barrier Coatings
Controllable Structure and Superior Mechanical Properties of Metallic Glasses through Atomic Manufacturing
Damage Tolerance in bcc vs. fcc High-Entropy Alloys
Deciphering the Operative Micromechanisms Affecting the Strain Rate Sensitivity in (FeCrNi)99Si1 Medium Entropy Alloy
Deformation Induced Transformation in Metastability Engineered Alloys
Design of High Performance Fe-Based Superalloys for Elevated Temperature Applications
Design of L12 Precipitation-Strengthened Face-Centered-Cubic High-Entropy Alloys
Development of Ductile Refractory High Entropy Alloys with High Strength via Controlling Cold-Rolling and Annealing Process
Direct Ink Writing and Sintering of Micro-Lattices with Multi-Principal Element Alloys with High Specific Mechanical Properties
Disordered Enthalpy-Entropy Descriptor for High-Entropy Ceramics Discovery
Ductile and Plastic HfTaTiNbZr Refractory High Entropy Alloys Studied with In Situ Neutron Diffraction
E-10: Harnessing Defects for Enhanced Strength in Medium Entropy Alloys
E-11: Heterogeneous Failure Mechanisms in an Eutectic High Entropy Alloy Under High Strain-Rate Loading
E-12: High-Density Nanoprecipitates and Phase Reversion via Maraging Enable Ultrastrong Yet Strain-Hardenable Medium-Entropy Alloy
E-13: In-Situ Compression of Al5Co35CrFe20Ni5 Alloy Studied Using Synchrotron Radiation
E-14: In-Situ Deformation Study of Non-Shearable Nanodispersion Strengthened Refractory Complex Concentrated Alloys
E-15: Investigation of Elastic and Plastic Deformation Behavior of Nature Selected Refractory High Entropy Alloy
E-16: Low Cycle Fatigue of a Medium Entropy Alloy with Short-Range Ordering
E-17: Mechanical Behavior of 16 Refractory High Entropy Alloys Under Compressive and Tensile Stress: A Molecular Dynamics Study
E-18: Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Behavior of HfTiZrNbx Refractory High-Entropy Alloys Under Different Annealing Conditions
E-19: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of In-Situ TiC Reinforced TaNbVTi High Entropy Alloy Matrix Composites
E-1: A Machine Learning Approach for the Prediction of Formability and Thermodynamic Stability of Refractory Compositionally Complex Alloy Containing Mo and W
E-20: Modeling Dense Alloys in Discrete Dislocation Dynamics
E-21: Overcoming Strength-Ductility Trade-Off Through Periodic Spinodal Decomposition in Ferrous Medium-Entropy Alloy
E-22: Oxidation Behavior of Low-Density Non-Equiatomic AlCuFeNiTi High Entropy Alloy
E-23: Refractoriness, Thermal Expansion Behavior and Microstructure Stability at 1200°C of an Equimolar Cast CoNiFeCr Alloy and Its Versions with Addition of Titanium or of Tantalum
E-24: Revealing the Deformation Mechanism Competition in Multi-Principal Element Alloys by Nanobending Experiments
E-25: Significant Improvement of Strain Hardening Through Massive Coherent Boundaries in Nano-Lamellar Structured Complex-Concentrated Alloys
E-26: Stretch Formability and Cryogenic Environmental Applicability of Fex(CoNi)90-xCr10 Ferrous Medium-Entropy Alloys
E-27: The Rule of Mixtures, A New Evans-Polanyi-Semenov Relation, and Twinning Predictions for High Entropy Transition Metal Ceramics
E-28: Tribological Stress Field Model Validation by Using Deformation Twins as Probes
E-29: Unveiling Yield Strength of High Entropy Alloys Using Physics-Enhanced Machine Learning Under Diverse Experimental Conditions
E-2: As-Cast Microstructure, Hardness and High Temperature Creep Behavior of an Equimolar CoNiFeCr Alloy; Effects of a Ti or Ta Addition
E-30: Welding-Driven Compositional Heterogeneity Enhances Cryogenic Mechanical Properties in Metastable Ferrous Medium-Entropy Alloy Welds
E-3: Development of γ'-Strengthened Medium-Entropy Alloys with Mitigated Mechanical Instability at Extremely Low Temperatures
E-46: In situ Neutron Diffraction Study on L12-Precipitation-Strengthened (FeCoNi)86Al7Ti7 High Entropy Alloy
E-47: High and Moderate Temperature Deformation Modeling of High Entropy Alloys
E-4: Effect of Microstructure on Hot Deformation and Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of WMoFeNi MPEA Alloy Regulating Alloy Composition
E-52: Effect of Ti Addition on Strengthening and Deformation Mechanism of Ni-Rich High Entropy Alloy Synthesized via Spark Plasma Sintering: An Experimental and Atomistic Approach
E-5: Effect of Processing Route on the Morphology of Fe-Rich Phase and Concurrent Mechanical Response in Cu-Rich Compositionally Complex Alloy
E-6: Effects of Molybdenum and Silicon Co-doping on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy
E-7: Enhanced Strain Hardening During Plastic Deformation of FCC Multi-Principal Element Alloys with L12 Nanodomains
E-8: Establishing Composition-Temperature-Grain-Strength Relationship of FCC Complex Concentrated Alloys
E-9: Expansion of Natural Mixing Guided Design via Understanding the Solidification Behavior
E50: Enhancement of Mechanical Properties of Ni-Based ODS HEA by Optimization of Oxide Dispersoid Content
Effect of SFE on Mechanical Properties in Co-Cr-Mo-Ni Medium Entopy Alloys
Effects of Cerium Addition and Post-Annealing on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy Films
Electronic Descriptors for Dislocation Deformation Behavior and Intrinsic Ductility in bcc High-Entropy Alloys
Engineering Multi-Principal Element Alloys for Hard Metal Binders
Exploring Innovative Nanoscale Structures and Phases in High-Entropy Alloy Nanoparticles Through Femtosecond Laser Ablation
Factors Affecting Calculated Properties of High-Entropy Alloys (HEAs) Using Density Functional Theory
Formation of Local Chemical Ordering in FCC HEAs and Its Effect on the Deformation Behaviors
Fracture Resistance of Refractory High-Entropy Alloys
Fracture Toughness and Deformation Mechanisms in Cantor-Based Medium Entropy Alloys
From High-Entropy Ceramics (HECs) to Compositionally Complex Ceramics (CCCs): A Review and New Perspective
High-Throughput Multiscale Modeling of Solidification of Refractory High Entropy Alloys
High Entropy Alloys- The Intrigue
High Temperature Wear and Deformation Behavior of Compositionally Complex Oxide Formed on Metal Surfaces
Impact of Elemental Additions on Elastic and Plastic Behavior of Refractory Multi-Principal-Element Alloys
Intermetallic Alloys: Ductility, Structural Order, and High Entropy or Not
Interplay Between Lattice Distortion and Bond Stiffness Towards Strengthening of Refractory BCC High Entropy Alloys
Interstitial Engineering of BCC Refractory Multi-Principal Element Alloys and their Dislocation Pathways
Investigating Composition-Structure-Property Relationships in Nb-V-Zr-X Alloys Using a High-Throughput Synthesis Approach
Investigating the Exceptional Creep Behavior of Al0.3CoCrFeNi Multi-Principal Element Alloys Through Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method
Investigation of Mechanical and Corrosion Behavior of Nitinol for Biomedical Implant Applications
Investigation of Short-Range Order and Its Impact on Mechanical Properties of AlCoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloys Using Atomistic Simulations and Data Analytics
Kink Bands Promote Exceptional Fracture Resistance in a NbTaTiHf Refractory High-Entropy Alloy
Large-Language Model-Assisted High Entropy Alloy Design: Knowledge Transfer and Hypothesis Generation
Light Single-Phase Al-Based Complex Concentrated Alloy with High Specific Strength
Macroscopically-Smooth Plastic Flow in an Al-Containing High-Entropy Alloy: Unveiling Multiscale Complexity in a Mesoscopic Range
Martensitic Phase Transformation and Anomalous Hardening in CrMnFeCoNi High-Entropy Alloy
Material Design for Nuclear Applications, High Entropy Alloys in Extreme Environments
Measuring the Entropy of High Entropy Alloys
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of New Compositionally-Complex Fe-Cr-Mn-Al Ferritic Stainless Steels Free of σ-Phase, χ-Phase and 475 °C Embrittlement
Microstructure and Mechanical Property Changes in Ion Irradiated MPEAs
Multiple Origins of Extra Electron Diffractions in FCC Multiple Principal Element Alloys
Nanoindentation and AFM-Based Evaluation of Cold-Sprayed Stable Nanocrystalline High-Entropy Alloy Coatings
Neutron and Synchrotron Diffraction Methods for Unveiling Structural Evolution in Complex and Off-Equilibrium Alloys
On the Damage Tolerance of TiZrNbHfTa Refractory High-Entropy Alloys
Precipitation Strengthening in BCC Al2.7CrMnTiV High-Entropy Alloys
Precipitation/TRIP-Induced Heterogeneous Microstructures in Non-Equiatomic CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloys to Achieve Superior Strength-Ductility Combination
Quantification of Lattice Distortions in Complex Concentrated Alloys by X-Ray Diffuse Scattering
Ramifications of Introducing Local Chemical Ordering in FCC-Based High Entropy Alloys and Its Manifestations on the Bulk Mechanical Properties via Slip Planarity
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy for High Entropy Materials
Sequential Mechanical Alloying of AlNbTaTiV Particles: Phase Formation and Microstructural Evaluation
Sheet Formability of CoCrFeMnNi High-Entropy Alloy
Short-Range Ordering and Local Elastic Properties in MoNbTaW
Short Range Chemical Ordering in HEA Investigated by X-Ray Diffuse and Resonant Scattering
Short Range Order and the Evolution of Deformation Mechanisms in the CrCoNi Medium Entropy Alloy
Significance of Grain Refinement on the Nanomechanical Behavior of Multi-Principal Alloys
Single-Crystal Mechanical Properties of FCC High-Entropy Alloys
Stability of the B2 Phase in Al-Nb-Ta-Ti-Zr Refractory High-Entropy Superalloys: Resolving Identification Conflicts and Offering Practical Solutions
Stoichiometry and Microstructure-Dependent Hardness-Mapping Prediction and Verification for High-Entropy Alloys
Strain-Rate and Temperature Effects on Deformation Behaviors in Body-Centered-Cubic (BCC) Phase Refractory High-Entropy Alloys (RHEAs)
Strength-Ductility Synergies in CuCoFeMnNi High-Entropy Alloys: Effects of Deformation and Recrystallization
Strong and Ductile High Temperature Multicomponent Soft Magnet Through Widmanstätten Precipitates
Study of the Serration Deformation Mechanisms at 15 K
Study on Superplastic Behavior of L21 Precipitate-Hardened BCC High Entropy Alloy
Superior High-Temperature Strength in a Supersaturated Refractory High-Entropy Alloy
Temperature Dependent Screw Dislocation Dynamics in MoNbTi and TaNbTi Multi-Principal Element Alloys
The Thermodynamics of Mechanical Behavior in BCC Refractory Compositionally Complex Alloys
Theory Guided Combinatorial Design of Metastable High Entropy Alloys
Thin Film Combinatorial Sputtering of Multiple-Principal Element Alloys for Rapid Materials Discovery
Ubiquitous Short-Range Order in Multi-Principal Element Alloys and Its Impact on the Mechanical Behaviors
Ultrahigh Strength Triggered by BCC and B2 Eutectic-Phase Interfaces in a Novel Fe30Cr15V15Ni20Al20 High Entropy Alloy
Ultrahigh Temperature Tensile Deformation Mechanisms of Multi-Principal Element Alloys
Unexpected Intermetallic Plasticity Within Lightweight, Low Cost, and Corrosion-Resistant Compositionally Complex Alloys (CCAs) Containing FCC and L21 Heusler Phases

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