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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Additive Manufacturing: Alloy Design to Develop New Feedstock Materials
Presentation Title Accidental Alloy Development: In-situ Evolution of AM Powder and Opportunities for New Material Synthesis Pathways
Author(s) Tim Horn, Chris Rock
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Tim Horn
Abstract Scope During powder bed Additive Manufacturing (AM) metallic powders interact with directed energy sources such as laser or electron beam, varying partial pressures of process gasses, vaporized/condensed material, plasma and ejected liquids. This results in morphologies, compositions, and phases not observed in as-atomized feedstocks. Localized concentrations on the scale of powder and the melt pool have a profound impact on solidification, local composition, microstructure evolution, solid-state phase transformations and subsequently properties in surprising and unexpected ways. This is further complicated by AM thermal cycling which can form far-from-equilibrium interfaces. While this creates an additional level of complexity towards understanding, and is typically considered a shortcoming of AM to be eliminated, it also motivates research to elucidate these mechanisms and create new tools for the intentional interfacial control of these effects for exploitation of newly emerged properties. We will present several recent case studies of unique material interactions in LPBF/EB-PBF AM.


3D Characterization of Cracks Formed in “Weldable” AA6061 and Implications for Alloy Design
Accidental Alloy Development: In-situ Evolution of AM Powder and Opportunities for New Material Synthesis Pathways
An Interdisciplinary Approach for Alloy Design for Additive Manufacturing
Application of Taguchi, Response Surface, and Artificial Neural Networks for Rapid Optimization of Direct Metal Laser Sintering Process
CALPHAD Informed Design of Rare-earth Containing Alloys for Additive Manufacturing
Characterization of Spatter with Organized Features in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Development of Oxidation Resistant Multi-Principle Element Alloys Applied with Additive Manufacturing
High-Throughput Accelerated Alloy Development
Laser Additive Manufacturing of Nanocomposite Powders
Mechanical Alloying of Feedstock Powder for Additive Manufacturing by Selective Laser Melting: Aluminum Alloy Matrix Composites
Micro-crack Mitigation by Alloy Modification in the Additively Manufactured Ni-base Superalloy CM247LC
Microstructure and Property Variability in DED Inconel 718 as a Function of Build Rate
Opportunities to Improve the Mechanical Properties of Titanium Alloys Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Optimization of Nitrogen-Atomized 17-4 Stainless Steel Feedstock for AM Processing
Processing of Y2O3-modified Nickel Superalloy by Selective Laser Melting.
Residual Stress Mitigation of Additive Manufactured Stainless Steel 316L Components through the Directed Energy Deposition Inclusion of TiC Nanoparticles
Sensitivity Analysis and Composition Design for Metal Additive Manufacturing Using CALPHAD-based ICME Framework

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