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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Recycling and Sustainability for Emerging Technologies and Strategic Materials
Presentation Title Recycling of Spent SCR Catalyst to Recover Vanadium and Tungsten by Hydrometallurgical Routes
Author(s) Ana Belen Cueva-Sola, Jin-Young Lee, Rajesh Kumar Jyothi
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ana Belen Cueva-Sola
Abstract Scope Currently selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst is the most promising technology to reduce the air pollution caused by nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions in industries. Due to the increasing demand of catalyst and the limited lifespan of them, after deactivation, they usually end up in landfills posing a major environmental issue. The most widely used catalyst for stationary applications contains around 0.5-1.5% wt V2O5 and 7-10% wt of WO3 in a TiO2 matrix and owing to the vast uses of vanadium and tungsten and the necessity of replacing primary ores with secondary sources makes the recovery of these metals a major motivation for this research. During this experimental study, the leach liquor obtained after titanium selective leaching containing only vanadium and tungsten was processed using liquid-liquid extraction. The optimum conditions for extraction and stripping were derived and separation of vanadium and tungsten was proposed in a variety of hydrometallurgical routes.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Environmental Effects, Hydrometallurgy, Recycling and Secondary Recovery


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Recycling of Spent SCR Catalyst to Recover Vanadium and Tungsten by Hydrometallurgical Routes
The Separation of Nickel and Cobalt from Lithium-ion Battery Leachate
Uncertainty Analysis and Reduction for Environmental Impact Modeling of Emerging Manufacturing Technologies

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