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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advanced Characterization of Materials for Nuclear, Radiation, and Extreme Environments V
Presentation Title Real-time Neutron Diffraction to Support Interpretation of DSC Results on Zr-2.5Nb for Reactor Pressure Tubes
Author(s) Sven C. Vogel, Amy I. Fluke, Daniel J. Savage, Toshiro Tomida
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Sven C. Vogel
Abstract Scope Under postulated accident scenarios dual-phase Zr-Nb cladding or pressure tube material with α (hcp) and β (bcc) phases may be subjected to high temperature transients up to 1200°C, resulting in heating rate-dependent α-β phase transformation. Since the thermophysical properties are affected by the phase changes, it is important to understand this behavior in order to predict the performance under extreme thermal transient conditions. A hysteresis in calorimetry measurements was observed between heating and cooling. Furthermore, as-manufactured tube material showed a small enthalpy change during first heating that did not appear on subsequent heating. Neutron diffraction with an identical temperature profile (heating rate of 20C/min) was performed on the HIPPO diffractometer to understand these observations. Phase fractions, lattice parameters and texture evolution were tracked with a 15 second time resolution for comparison with previous DSC data and modelling of phase transformation textures using the Double-Burgers orientation relationship method.


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Formation and Recover of Dislocations Under Deformation and/or Irradiation of Elemental Tantalum, a Step Toward Understanding Complex BCC Alloys.
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L-1: Application of Laboratory-Based Photoelectron Spectroscopy with Hard and Soft X-Rays to Nuclear Forensics Characterization of Uranium Dioxide Fuel
L-2: Effect of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation on Silicon Carbide
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Quantitative Phase Characterization of Nuclear Cements and Concretes Using Non-Destructive 3D Automated Mineralogy and Enhanced Deep-Learning Reconstruction via X-ray Microscopy
Real-time Neutron Diffraction to Support Interpretation of DSC Results on Zr-2.5Nb for Reactor Pressure Tubes
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Structural Characterization of Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics in Three Dimensions for Statistical and Physics-Based Modeling
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Synthesis and Irradiation of Uranium Carbide and Nitride for TRISO Development
Thermophysical Characterisation of Zirconium-Based Nuclear Materials
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Understanding Irradiation Assisted Hydrogen Embrittlement Using In Situ Coherent X-Ray Imaging
Understanding the Mechanism of Fission Gas Re-Solution and Blistering in UMo Fuel via Atomistic Modelling
Understanding the Surface and Near Surface via Nanomechanical Mapping

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