About this Abstract |
Meeting |
2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Advances in Multi-Principal Element Alloys II
Presentation Title |
J-41: High Temperature B2 Precipitation of Ru-Containing Refractory Alloys |
Author(s) |
Haojun You, Carolina Frey, Sebastian Kube, Kaitlyn Mullin, Andrew Detor, Scott Oppenheimer, Tresa Pollock |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Haojun You |
Abstract Scope |
Refractory Multi-Principal Element Alloys (RMPEAs) are a new class of structural alloys for extreme environments with the potential to push operating temperatures above 1200°C. However, alloys examined to date have been unable to achieve a balanced suite of properties at high temperature, primarily due to the lack of strengthening precipitates with high thermal stability. Recently, Ru-based B2 precipitates have been shown to be stable above 1200 °C. To further explore Ru as an alloying addition, the microstructures of a series of arc-melted equiatomic Ru-containing RMPEAs were analyzed via SEM and TEM. Microstructures of these materials in both their as-cast and annealed conditions have been characterized. XRD lattice parameters and hardness values (for both individual B2 phases via nano-indentation and the aggregate alloy) are also reported. Promising alloy compositions are identified. |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Planned: |