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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Recycling and Sustainability in Cast Shop Technology: Joint Session with REWAS 2025
Presentation Title A Risk-Based Approach to Qualification of Hydrogen as Fuel in Aluminum Casthouses
Author(s) Martin Claus Strande, Thea Marstrander, Agathe Bjelland Eriksen, Oskar Altzar, Simon Jones, Mark Hannum, Mark Fischer
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Martin Claus Strande
Abstract Scope Aluminum production emits ~270 Mt CO2/year and is a crucial material for the energy transition. Decarbonization of aluminum production is critical for the aluminum sector itself, but also for sectors such as automotive, building and construction and the energy sector. Hydro is working to qualify hydrogen as a fuel for aluminum melting furnaces, using a systematic and risk-based technology qualification framework. The qualification activities reduce risk and increase confidence related to its suitability. In June 2023, Norsk Hydro, and Fives North American Combustion performed a series of tests in Hydro’s casthouse in Navarra, Spain. Using hydrogen to melt ~200 tons of aluminum, Hydro and Fives has developed a significant scientific basis for further development in this area. The tests focused on safety performance, metal quality, energy efficiency, production capacity, emissions, and operational effects. The technology readiness level of hydrogen used as fuel in aluminum melting furnaces is defined as 7.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals
Keywords Aluminum, Process Technology, Sustainability


A Modeling Methodology of New Combustion Technologies for Aluminum Remelting Furnaces
A Risk-Based Approach to Qualification of Hydrogen as Fuel in Aluminum Casthouses
Achieving High Impurity Tolerance in Recycled Aluminum Alloy through Solid Phase Processing
Classification of Automotive Aluminum Scrap into Cast and Wrought Alloys
Development of Aluminum Chips Recycling Process for Recovery Rates and Corrosion Resistance of A380 Alloy
Electrolytic Purification of Aluminum Scrap in NaCl-KCl-Na3AlF6 Molten Salt System
Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy Usage in Aluminum Cast House Equipment
Enhancing Secondary Aluminum Supply: Optimizing Urban Mining through A Systems Thinking Approach
Environmental Impact Lifecycle Assessment of Green Sand Moulding in Foundries
Microstructure-Based Analysis of Bonding Mechanisms of Solid-State-Recycled Aluminum Chips for Sustainable Semi-Finished Products
Multifrequency Ultrasonic Treatment of Aluminum Alloys for Microstructural Modification
Oxy-Fuel Combustion: Impact of Hydrogen Combustion on Aluminum Melt Quality in Secondary Melting Processes

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