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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Bridging Scale Gaps in Multiscale Materials Modeling in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Presentation Title AtomAgents: Alloy Design and Discovery Through Physics-Aware Multi-Modal Multi-Agent Artificial Intelligence
Author(s) Alireza Ghafarollahi, Markus J. Buehler
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Alireza Ghafarollahi
Abstract Scope Designing new alloys involves retrieving knowledge, applying computational methods, and analyzing results—a slow process reserved for human experts. Machine learning can accelerate this, particularly through deep surrogate models that link structural and chemical features with material properties. However, current data-driven models are often limited to specific objectives and lack flexibility to integrate diverse knowledge. We address these limitations with AtomAgents, a physics-aware generative AI platform that harnesses the collaborative intelligence of multiple AI agents skilled in knowledge retrieval, multi-modal data integration, physics-based simulations, and comprehensive result analysis. Collaborating in a dynamic environment, this large language model-based multi-agent system effectively tackles complex material design tasks, demonstrating its capability by designing metallic alloys with superior properties. Our results not only accurately predict key alloy characteristics but also highlight the importance of solid solution alloying in advancing metallic materials, enhancing efficiency in multi-objective design tasks, and opening new possibilities in various engineering fields.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Modeling and Simulation, Machine Learning, Mechanical Properties


A Dislocation Density-Based Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Model for Predicting Creep Behavior in Lamellar Titanium-Aluminum Alloys
AI-Enabled Upscaling of Ab Initio Thermodynamics for 3C-SiC(100) Surface Reconstructions
AtomAgents: Alloy Design and Discovery Through Physics-Aware Multi-Modal Multi-Agent Artificial Intelligence
Atomistically-Informed Discrete Dislocation Dynamics Simulations of Shock in Aluminum
Atomistically Informed Mesoscale Modeling of Deformation Behavior of Bulk Metallic Glasses
Bridging Scales in Metal Plasticity: The Roles of Theory, Data Science, and Computing
Coarse-Graining Atomistic Simulation Data with Physics-Guided Gaussian Process Regression
Complex Structure of Liquid and Machine-Learning
Computational Studies on Statistical Features of Dislocation Glide Energetics in Refractory Complex Concentrated Alloys
Developing Data-Driven Dislocation Mobility Laws for BCC Metals
Developing On-Demand, Highly Efficient Digital Twins with DFT Accuracy for Iterative Alloy Discovery Frameworks
Discovering New Mechanisms of Grain Growth with a Machine Learning Model Trained on Experimental and Simulation Data
Efficient High-Throughput Ab Initio Prediction of Liquidus Curves
Engineering the Crack-Tip Material Composition to Enhance the Microplasticity in Refractory Complex Concentrated Alloys
First-Principles Models of Solute-Defect Interactions in Alloys
Influence of Surface Structure on Graphene Formation via Thermal Decomposition of Silicon Carbide
Integrating AI for High-Dimensional Saddle Point Sampling
Machine Learning-Enhanced Multiscale Modeling of Solidification
Machine Learning - Kinetic Monte Carlo Investigation on Sluggish Interstitial Diffusion in Fe-Ni-Cr-Cu-Co High Entropy Alloys
Machine Learning for the Efficient Identification of High-Performance Metal-Doped Transition Metal Compounds for Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis
Machine Learning Potentials for Chemically Complex Alloys
Material-Agnostic Training Data Generation for Machine-Learning Interatomic Potentials
Mechanism-Based Data-Driven Exploration of Complex Concentrated Alloys with Enhanced Mechanical Performance
Mesoscale Investigation of Dislocation-Grain Boundary Interactions in Metals and Alloys
Molecular Dynamic Studies of Strain Rate Effects on Screw Dislocation Mobility In BCC Metals
Multiscale Computation-Experiment Study of Advanced Materials with Characteristic Microstructure
Multiscale Computational Tools and AI Integration Using Chocolate as a Frugal Model System in Self-Driving Lab
Multiscale Modeling for Studying Corrosion-Induced Hydrogen Embrittlement in Zirconium
Neural Network Kinetics: Exploring Diffusion Multiplicity and Chemical Ordering in Compositionally Complex Materials
Pathways to the 7 × 7 Surface Reconstruction of Si(111) Revealed by Machine-Learning Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Peierls-Nabarro Modeling of Dislocations in High Entropy Alloys
Quantifying Chemical Short-Range Order in Metallic Alloys
Rethinking Materials Simulations; Blending Direct Numerical Simulations with Machine-Learning Strategies
Revealing the Impact of Hydrogen on Iron: Large-Scale Quantitative Atomistic Analysis with Highly Accurate and Transferrable Machine Learning Interatomic Potentials
Simulation-Informed Models for Amorphous Metal Mechanical Property Prediction
Study of Xe Binding in Ag-Exchange Chabazite for Radio-Nuclide Absorption
Surrogate Models in First-Principles Statistical Mechanics Methods
The Connection Between Atomistic Defect Clusters and Geometrically Necessary Dislocations in Irradiated Nanocrystals
UF3: Fast and Interpretable MLIP for High-Performance Molecular Dynamics
Understanding Microstructural Evolution Using Graph Attention Networks

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