About this Abstract |
Meeting |
2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Accelerated Qualification of Nuclear Materials Integrating Experiments, Modeling, and Theories
Presentation Title |
Application of the Internal State Variable (ISV) Constitutive Model for Creep-fatigue-induced Damage of Advanced High-temperature Nuclear Reactor Steels |
Author(s) |
Julian Emmanuel Tse Lop Kun, Heechen E Cho, Mark F Horstemeyer |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Julian Emmanuel Tse Lop Kun |
Abstract Scope |
This study focuses on developing and applying history-dependent creep-fatigue Internal State Variable constitutive theory for the advanced high-temperature nuclear reactor steels to better understand how these materials deform and fracture at high temperatures under cyclic loading conditions. We consider damage evolution in these steels when some low-cycle loading is applied with finite holding periods. As such, this problem is highly history dependent, which requires tracking evolution of some relevant microstructural rearrangements and its related properties under these complicated boundary conditions. Comparing our model results to experimental stress-strain behavior under these creep-fatigue loadings, we show that our model accounts for the overall mechanical behavior through the evolving history variables during the finite deformation. In the future, this constitutive model has potential to be a useful tool to explore some realistic nuclear reactor problems to better understand the thermomechanical behavior and failure of various components in the next generation of high-temperature reactors. |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Planned: |
Keywords |
High-Temperature Materials, Nuclear Materials, |