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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Environmental Degradation of Additively Manufactured Materials
Presentation Title Accelerated Additive Manufacturing Synthesis, Testing, and Characterization of High-Temperature Alloys for High-Throughput Environmental Degradation Resistance
Author(s) Adrien Couet, Dan Thoma, Lianyi Chen, Nathan Curtis, Caleb Hatler, Rohan Mishra, Nick Crnkovich
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Adrien Couet
Abstract Scope The limited availability of corrosion- and irradiation-resistant high-temperature alloys significantly hinders the deployment of several promising technologies, including molten salt, fission, and fusion nuclear technologies, which have the potential for substantial societal impact. To expedite alloy development for these applications, we developed a suite of high-throughput techniques encompassing alloy synthesis, corrosion and irradiation testing, characterization, and modeling. These methods were employed to assess the environmental degradation resistances of hundreds of high-entropy alloys based on 3d transition metals and refractory elements. The benefits of using additive manufacturing to accelerate alloy synthesis are highlighted. By integrating these synthesis techniques with novel irradiation and corrosion platforms, we characterized the degradation resistances and utilized them as performance metrics in random forest regressor machine learning algorithms to predict the most resistant alloys. Furthermore, we discuss and compare the detailed characterization of corroded or irradiated industrial alloys produced by both additive manufacturing and conventional casting methods.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Additive Manufacturing, Environmental Effects, Nuclear Materials


Ablation Characterization of a Novel Additively Manufactured AlCeMo Alloy
Accelerated Additive Manufacturing Synthesis, Testing, and Characterization of High-Temperature Alloys for High-Throughput Environmental Degradation Resistance
Additive Manufacturing Technique to Achieve a Chemically Homogeneous Zinc/AA5456 Mixture to Arrest Corrosion Propagation
C-1: Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Ni-Based Coating Alloy
Corrosion Behavior of a Ni-Free Austenitic Stainless Steel Produced by Additive Manufacturing
Corrosion Fatigue Response of Laser Powder Bed Fused High Strength Steel
Corrosion Mechanisms of Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steels in Simulated Seawater
Effect of Microstructure Evolution on Hot Corrosion Resistance of P91&304 Graded Composition Transition Joint
Evaluation of Environmentally Assisted Cracking on Wire Arc Additively Manufactured (WAAM) AISI 316LSi
Exceptional Localized Corrosion Resistance of Ni-Based Alloy 625 Processed by Directed Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing in Concentrated Chloride Environments
High Temperature Oxidation of an ODS NiCr Additive Manufactured Alloy
High Temperature Oxidation of Ni-Based Superalloy 247 Processed by Electron Beam-Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing
Metal Dusting of Additively Manufactured Ni-Cu Alloys
Microstructural and Compositional Distribution Effects on LPBF CuNi Corrosion
Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of a Friction Stir Additively Manufactured Al-Cr-Mn-Co-Zr I-Phase Alloy
On the Irradiation-Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking of 316L Stainless Steel Made by Laser Additive Manufacturing
Oxidation of Al/Si-Coated Additive Manufactured 699XA Alloy
Spheroidization of Refractory Tungsten Metal Powder for Additive Manufacturing Using Inductively Coupled Thermal Plasma
Studying Microstructure and Stress Corrosion Cracking of an Additive Friction Stir Deposition Processed aa7075 Aluminum Alloy
The effect of Microstructure and Heat Treatment on the Oxidation Behavior of Additively Manufactured 316H Alloy
Understanding the Influence Processing on LPBF Cu-30Ni Corrosion in Flowing Chloride Environments
Understanding the Interplay Between Dislocation Slip, Hydrogen Clustering, GB Cavitation and Cracking in Hydrogen Embrittlement Through Atomistic-to-Mesoscale Simulations
Utilizing a Hot-Isostatic Pressing Controlling Pore Defect in Direct Energy Deposited CoCrNi Medium-Entropy Alloy and Its Mechanical Stability at Liquid Helium Temperature
Wear-Enhanced Corrosion of Compositionally Varying AM Stainless Steels

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