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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advanced Laser Manufacturing of High-Performance Materials
Presentation Title D-2: Optical Reflectance Tailoring of Powders for Laser-Based Sintering via Magnetron Sputtering
Author(s) Camilo Bedoya Lopez, Carlos E. Castano
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Camilo Bedoya Lopez
Abstract Scope The optical reflectance limits the number of materials that laser-based sintering techniques can process. In this work, the optical properties of Ti, Al, Ni, and Cu powders are tailored by vibration-assisted magnetron sputtering with Cu and Cr shells. Optical emission spectroscopy was used to measure the reflectance of the raw and modified powders from infrared to ultraviolet. The film conformality and thickness were then measured using a focused ion beam and scanning electron microscopy. Sintering tests of the modified powders show that surface modification is a promising tool to improve the material availability for laser-based sintering techniques.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Surface Modification and Coatings, Other, Other


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D-2: Optical Reflectance Tailoring of Powders for Laser-Based Sintering via Magnetron Sputtering
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