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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Solid-State Diffusion Bonding of Metals and Alloys
Presentation Title Advancing the Understanding of Mechanical Properties of Diffusion-Bonded 316H and A617 for High-Temperature Nuclear Compact Heat Exchanger Applications
Author(s) Mahmud Hasan Ovi, Tamim Hossain, Intisher Al-Tahmid Omi, Hoon Lee, James F. Stubbins
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Mahmud Hasan Ovi
Abstract Scope This study investigates the mechanical properties of diffusion-bonded 316H and A617 specimens in high-temperature environments, crucial for advanced nuclear applications such as compact heat exchangers. We analyze bond strengths and failure mechanisms under various mechanical loads at elevated temperatures. Our methodology integrates advanced testing techniques, including tensile and creep tests with Digital Image Correlation (DIC), to evaluate material response to mechanical stress and time-dependent deformation. Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) analyses provide insights into microstructural characteristics, grain orientation, and potential segregation near bonds. Additionally, strain hardening analysis and dye penetrant tests are conducted to assess mechanical behavior and identify potential defects. This comprehensive approach enhances our understanding of diffusion-bonded 316H and A617 performance in demanding operational environments, informing the design and optimization of high-temperature applications across multiple advanced energy sectors.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords High-Temperature Materials, Mechanical Properties, Joining


Advancing the Understanding of Mechanical Properties of Diffusion-Bonded 316H and A617 for High-Temperature Nuclear Compact Heat Exchanger Applications
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The Basic Research on Plastic Bonding of Zr-Based Metallic Glasses
Ultrasonic Metal Welding of Interlayers to Improve Joint Performance of Aluminum to Steel Resistance Spot Welds in Automotive Applications

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