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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Recycling and Sustainability for Emerging Technologies and Strategic Materials
Presentation Title Ecodesign and Strategic Design of Alloys by Combinatorial Optimisation
Author(s) Franck Tancret, Madeleine Bignon, Edern Menou, Gérard Ramstein, Emmanuel Bertrand, Pedro E.J. Rivera-Diaz-Del-Castillo
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Franck Tancret
Abstract Scope Within a “green metallurgy” approach, we propose to use “sustainable metallurgy” criteria as of the design stage of new alloys. They allow to maximise the fraction of recycled materials entering the formulation of alloys and their recyclability, minimise the environmental impact of used raw materials (embodied energy, carbon footprint, water consumption…), and minimise the geopolitical risk of supply of these metals as well as the volatility of their price on international markets. Within the frame of a genetic algorithm multi-objective optimisation, these new criteria are added to microstructural criteria obtained through physical models of phase formation or transformations, and/or to thermomechanical properties predicted by data mining / machine learning. Examples are given in the domain of nickel-based superalloys and titanium alloys, with the design of materials presenting the best possible trade-offs between, depending on cases, mechanical behaviour, microstructural characteristics, corrosion resistance, cost and volatility, supply risk and environmental impact.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Computational Materials Science & Engineering, Environmental Effects, Recycling and Secondary Recovery


Characterisation and Techno-economics of a Process to Recover Value from E-waste Materials
Computational Modeling of Current Density Distribution and Secondary Resistances for Aluminum Electrorefining in Ionic Liquids
Conductivity of AlCl3-BMIC Ionic liquid Mixtures Containing TiCl4 at Different Temperatures and Molar Ratios
Copper Separation from Steel Scrap
Copper Supply for Electric Vehicles and Impacts on the Recycling Sector
Development and Impact of High-performance Al Alloys Alloyed with Rare Earth Co-products
Ecodesign and Strategic Design of Alloys by Combinatorial Optimisation
Electrochemical Separation of Aluminum from Mixed Scrap Using Ionic Liquids
High-temperature Oxidation of Explosion Welded Tantalum-tungsten Alloy on Steel Substrate as a Potential Technique for Recycling
Hydrometallurgical Recycling of Bauxite Residue
Improvement of Steel Scrap Recycling: Optical Recognition of Cu Impurities Using Machine Learning
Investigation of Ionic Liquids Isolated Iron for Ductile Iron Castings
Rare Earth Magnet or Ferroalloy? What Steel Processing Can Teach Us about Magnet Sludge Recycling.
Recycling of Spent SCR Catalyst to Recover Vanadium and Tungsten by Hydrometallurgical Routes
The Separation of Nickel and Cobalt from Lithium-ion Battery Leachate
Uncertainty Analysis and Reduction for Environmental Impact Modeling of Emerging Manufacturing Technologies

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