Abstract Scope |
Location-specific property distribution, through differential material distributions, is a desirable attribute for structural components. For polycrystalline metals and alloys, this translates into location-specific distributions of grain size, crystallographic orientations, micro-texture, etc. that can be harnessed to deliver optimal mechanical behavior and failure/life response. A necessary ingredient for material design is multiscale models of deformation, fatigue, and failure, that explicitly incorporate lower-scale material descriptors in higher-scale material constitutive models.
This talk will discuss a parametrically upscaled constitutive and crack nucleation modeling (PUCM/PUCNM) platform for predicting structural-scale fatigue crack nucleation inTi alloys. The thermodynamically consistent PUCM/PUCNMs incorporate a parametric representation of lower-scale microstructural descriptors in higher-scale constitutive coefficients. These coefficients are expressed as functions of Representative Aggregated Microstructural Parameters (RAMPs), representing descriptors of local microstructural morphology and crystallography in lower-scale statistically equivalent representative volume elements. The talk will discuss the effect of the local microstructural variabilities on the fatigue crack nucleation. |