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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium 2020 Institute of Metals Lecture/Robert Franklin Mehl Award
Presentation Title Heterostructured Materials: A New Paradigm for Superior Mechanical Properties
Author(s) Yuntian Zhu
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Yuntian Zhu
Abstract Scope Strong and tough materials are desired for light-weight applications such as electric cars. Recently, heterostructures are found to produce unprecedented strength and ductility that are considered impossible from our textbook knowledge and materials history. Heterostructured (HS) materials consist of domains with dramatic strength differences, which causes hetero-deformation, which induces back stress in the soft domain and forward stress in the hard domain. This collectively produces hetero-deformation induced (HDI) hardening, and HDI stress, making the materials strong and tough. Importantly, HS materials can be produced by current industrial facilities at large scale and low cost. There are many scientific issues with such materials that challenge the communities of experimental materials science and computational material mechanics. Heterostructured materials is quickly becoming a hot research field in the post-nanomaterials era. In this talk I’ll present the current advances as well as future challenges and issues in this emerging field.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


Heterostructured Materials: A New Paradigm for Superior Mechanical Properties

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