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Meeting 2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Primary Aluminum Industry - Energy and Emission Reductions: An LMD Symposium in Honor of Halvor Kvande
Presentation Title Gas Recycling and Energy Recovery. Future Handling of Flue Gas from Aluminium Electrolysis Cells
Author(s) Samuel Senanu, Asbjørn Solheim, Rune Lødeng
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Samuel Senanu
Abstract Scope Flue gas recycling and energy recovery provides an excellent opportunity for the aluminium industry to reduce the total energy consumption and to prepare for possible future carbon capture and storage or utilisation. Gas recycling enables increased CO2 concentration and more efficient recovery of heat from the flue gas. The present paper addresses some of the challenges with this technology, including increased concentrations of other pot gases such as CO, SO2 and HF and possible increased fugitive emissions due to reduced suction. Increased concentration of CO is particularly unwanted, since it is a lethal compound. Thus, catalytic conversion of CO to CO2 is crucial for HES reasons, and it also increases the amount of collectible heat. High concentration of SO2 can pose problems to equipment, including the heat exchanger units, due to the formation of sulfuric acid when the acid dew point is reached.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals
Keywords Aluminum, Energy Conversion and Storage, Environmental Effects


A Historical Review of Aluminum Reduction Cell Start-up and Early Operation
Direct and Indirect CO2 Equivalent Emissions from Primary Aluminium Production
Gas Recycling and Energy Recovery. Future Handling of Flue Gas from Aluminium Electrolysis Cells
Halvor Kvande: An Academic Ambassador in Aluminum Between China and Norway
Ready-to-Use Cathodes in High Amperage Technologies
Reflections on the Low Voltage Anode Effect in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells
Sampling and Analysis Methodology Review to Report Total PFC Emissions
Scale Formation in Primary Aluminium Production
The TMS Industrial Aluminum Electrolysis Course – History, Development of Contents, and Future
Vaporization of Fluorides from Aluminium Cells. Part II: Treatment of Spent Potlining in a Laboratory Furnace
Vaporization of Fluorides from Aluminium Cells. Part I: Theoretical Study on Replacement of Aluminium Fluoride and Soda

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