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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Additive Manufacturing of Polymeric-based Materials: Potentials and Challenges
Presentation Title Investigating Property Changes of Reprocessed Fiber Reinforced Polymers for Additive Manufacturing
Author(s) Pete Schupska, Thomas Harris, Connor Sims, Ryan Hahnlen, Jason Walker
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Pete Schupska
Abstract Scope This effort’s objective is to quantify the mechanical property degradation in fiber-reinforced polymers during recycling and reprocessing of pellet feedstock for additive manufacturing. The application is pellet-fed 3D printed forming tools for sheet metal. A glass fiber reinforced polycarbonate was selected, and the raw material was processed into test coupons by injection molding for characterization of tensile, thermal, and rheological properties, as well as micro-CT analysis to quantify fiber loading, length, and orientation. Samples were then subjected to a granulating recycling process before reprocessing and recharacterizing. This cycle was repeated through four iterations. In parallel, blends of reground and virgin pellet were characterized in a similar fashion. Subsequently, the same material preparation and evaluation was conducted using a medium format 3D printer. An observable change in mechanical and rheological properties can be observed when subjecting glass fiber-reinforced polycarbonate to recycling processes.


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Design and Manufacturing of Multifunctional Piezoelectric Composites
Investigating Property Changes of Reprocessed Fiber Reinforced Polymers for Additive Manufacturing
Investigation of Aging Behavior and Sensor Performance of Thiol-ene Based UV-Curable Elastomers Printed via Direct Ink Writing for Soft Robotic Applications
Molecular Engineering and Additive Manufacturing of Polyisobutylene-Based Elastomers and Composites
Natural Carbon-Enhanced Polymer Composite Material for Sustainable Additive Manufacturing Applications
Optimization of 4D Printing Parameters for Shape Memory Polymer Blends: A Comprehensive Characterization Study on TPU/PLA Blend
Recent Advances in Gas Atomization Processing of Polymer Powders for AM
Thermal Strategies for Producing Metallic Components from Metal-Polymer Feed-Stock via Material Extrusion
Ultrasonic Welding with L and L&T Mode Transducers

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