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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Advances in Surface Engineering
Presentation Title Reversible Electrochemical Mirror Devices Using Space Compliant Ionic Liquid Electrolytes
Author(s) Holly Garich, Danny Liu, James Davis, Morgan Tench, Thomas Peng, Jennings Taylor, Timothy Hall, Maria Inman
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Holly Garich
Abstract Scope Reversible electrochemical mirror devices function through reversible redox reactions that alternate between deposition of a highly reflective thin metallic film and complete oxidation of the metallic film during the erasure cycle. For space-based applications, conventional organic electrolytes are unsuitable due to their vapor pressures and potential for evaporation if the cell seal is compromised. Room temperature ionic liquid electrolytes (RTIL) are an attractive alternative to these conventional systems due to their negligible vapor pressure in addition to their excellent chemical and thermal stability and their large electrochemical windows. The present work focuses on deposition and stripping of silver thin films from transparent electrodes a using RTIL electrolyte. Highly reflective and reproducible silver mirror formation using an air and moisture stable RTIL based electrolyte has been demonstrated, and use of pulse voltage deposition and erasure steps have promoted longer cycling lifetimes when compared to constant voltage operation.


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Reversible Electrochemical Mirror Devices Using Space Compliant Ionic Liquid Electrolytes

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