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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Applications of Modern Characterization Techniques to Ferrous Alloys and Steel Products
Presentation Title Photons, Electrons, and X-rays: A New Platform for Rapid Imaging and Characterization of Engineering Materials
Author(s) William Harris, Hrishikesh Bale, Kyle Crosby, Tobias Volkenandt, Fabian Perez-Willard
On-Site Speaker (Planned) William Harris
Abstract Scope Focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopes are well established for sample analysis and preparation at the nano- to micro-scale in 2D, 3D or even 4D (with analytics). However, for investigations extending to larger scales of hundreds to thousands of microns, FIB-SEMs have faced a challenge. This has included tasks like large cross-section preparation for imaging/EBSD, or creation of structured geometries for micro/nano-mechanical testing. With the LaserFIB we present a new instrument platform to address these gaps. The LaserFIB integrates a femtosecond-pulsed laser into a FIB-SEM, now offering machining capabilities from the nano to millimeter scale on a single platform. The ultrashort pulse duration minimizes heat damage, and laser milling is performed in an isolated chamber to avoid main chamber contamination. Combined with imaging and analytics (EBSD, EDS), this platform offers tremendous opportunities for rapid, multi-scale material analysis and targeted, sub-surface investigation. This contribution will present several examples and typical workflows.


Photons, Electrons, and X-rays: A New Platform for Rapid Imaging and Characterization of Engineering Materials

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