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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts — Concurrent Alloy Design and Processing Science: An LMD Symposium Honoring Raymond Decker
Presentation Title Development of Biomaterials at NanoMAG from a Historical and Commercial Perspective
Author(s) Victoria M. Miller, Stephen LeBeau
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Stephen LeBeau
Abstract Scope Throughout his career, Raymond Decker has noted that the development and commercialization of new alloys quite often involves a certain amount of serendipity. The most recent case of the development of BioMg 250 bioabsorbable magnesium alloy at nanoMAG is another classic example. The tortuous path taken by Ray and his colleagues at nanoMAG from initial conception to worldwide patents and ongoing preclinical studies will be described going back to initial work with the University of Michigan. The impact of strategic relationships with university professors, student interns, government funding agencies and industrial partners and their contributions to the success achieved to date will be reviewed. After a careful examination, looking back at the events of the last eight years at nanoMAG, the real question is, “Do you believe in coincidence or do things happen for a reason?” Perhaps there are there stronger forces acting behind the scenes to support technology development.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:


Development of Biomaterials at NanoMAG from a Historical and Commercial Perspective
Enabling High Strength AA7xxx Sheet for Automotive Hot Stamping Applications: A Microstructural Perspective
Evolution of Alloy Design, It’s Science/Instruments Base, Tech Transfer Routes and Market Pull, 1921-2021
Impacts of Grain Boundary Particle Characteristics on Twin Transmission
Magnesium Sheet Alloy Development for Room Temperature Forming
New Under the Sun
Nickel-base Alloys Development:Then and Now
Thixomolded Magnesium: Quick, Light, and Mighty

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