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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Electrode Technology for Aluminum Production Supplier Forum
Presentation Title Wettable Titanium Diboride Cathode Tile Technology by VSCA
Author(s) David John Jarvis, Rosanna van den Blik-Jarvis, Rosie F L Mellor, Alf Bjørseth
On-Site Speaker (Planned) David John Jarvis
Abstract Scope VSCA has invented and developed wettable TiB2 cathode tiles that have survived over 3 months of continuous exposure to liquid aluminium without any signs of degradation or dissolution. Enhancing the wettability of the cathode has large implications for aluminium electrolysis as it permits a reduction in the anode-cathode distance and leads to lower electrical resistance within the cell. As a result, it is estimated that replacement of graphite cathode technology with wettable TiB2 tiles could lead to a 10% efficiency improvement, significantly minimising electricity usage and associated CO2 emissions. At VSCA, we have demonstrated novel and scalable manufacturing of wettable cathode technology, leading to the production of 100mm x 100mm tiles which can line the base of an Al electrolysis cell. We are in the process of realising industrial scale-up at our pilot factory in Oslo, Norway, so that we can ensure large production capacity in the very near future.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided
Keywords Aluminum, Environmental Effects, Extraction and Processing


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Wettable Titanium Diboride Cathode Tile Technology by VSCA

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