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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Current Trends in Magnetocaloric Materials: An FMD Symposium in Honor of Ekkes Brueck
Presentation Title Itinerant-electron Magnetism, Spin-fluctuations, and Magnetocaloric Effect in La(Fe,Si)13-based Magnetocaloric Compounds
Author(s) Asaya Fujita
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Asaya Fujita
Abstract Scope At a first-order phase transition point TC, equivalence of free energies in low- and high-temperature phases gives the following relation between internal energy U and entropy S ; U highU low = TC ( S highS low ). Namely, latent heat is governed by the energy difference ΔU between two states. In the itinerant-electron systems, like La(Fe,Si)13 or MnFe(Si,P), ΔU is enhanced by electron-correlations, while characteristic spin-fluctuations bring down TC around room temperature, resulting in high potential for magnetocaloic effect. In addition, when an energy barrier of the transition is attributed to electronic structures, its height is lower than that formed by atomic origin like a lattice deformation, resulting in smaller hysteresis. In the magnetics history, the magnetocaloric application is the first demonstration which utilizes the itinerant-electron spin fluctuations. The electronic tuning based on materials science is therefore most essential strategy in application of these materials.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


CaloriSMART – A New Tool for Rapid Experimental Evaluation of Active Magnetic Regenerator Materials
Energy Harvesting Using Thermomagnetic Generators with Magnetocaloric Materials
Fe2P an Intriguing Binary Alloy
Giant Barocaloric Effect at the Spin Crossover Transition of a Molecular Crystal
Itinerant-electron Magnetism, Spin-fluctuations, and Magnetocaloric Effect in La(Fe,Si)13-based Magnetocaloric Compounds
Magnetocaloric Effect in Heusler-type Magnetic Shape Memory Materials
Materials for Thermomagnetic Harvesting of Low Temperature Waste Heat
Quantitative Identification of First-order Phase Transitions Using Magnetocaloric Studies
Rare-earth-free Permanent Magnets: The Past and Future
Structure, Magnetisim and Spin Dynamics of Magnetocaloric Mn5-xFexSi3 Compounds
Synchrotron X-ray Studies on Magnetocaloric Materials
The Interplay of Electronic, Magnetic and Lattice Degrees of Freedom in La-Fe-Si-based Magnetocaloric Materials
Tuning Magnetocaloric Materials with Stress
Under Pressure: Probing Magneto-structural Coupling in MCE Materials
Unprecedented Magnetism, Magneto-crystalline Anisotropy, and Magneto-structural Phase Transformation in Rare Earth Containing Materials

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