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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Thermodynamics of Materials in Extreme Environments
Presentation Title Quantifying the Athermal Effect of Electric Current on Solid-Solid Phase Transformation of Titanium
Author(s) Howook Choi, Siwhan Lee, Yijae Kim, In-ho Jung, Wan Chuck Woo, Hobyung Chae, Heung Nam Han
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Howook Choi
Abstract Scope This study investigates the influence of electric current on pure titanium samples, by analyzing the α/β phase transition points of pure titanium under heat treatment and electric current. Through ex-situ and in-situ methodologies designed to measure phase transition points, it was observed that electric current reduces the onset temperature of phase transformation compared to conventional heat treatment. By conducting experiments under various electrical and microstructural conditions, the empirical correlation between current density, grain size, and the onset temperature of phase transformation was elucidated. Subsequently, the athermal effect of current was quantified as additional Gibbs free energy using a thermodynamic software. These findings provide some evidences that the athermal effect of electric current originates from the interaction with defects, and are expected to improve the precision of numerous electric current-assisted metallic processes.


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Quantifying the Athermal Effect of Electric Current on Solid-Solid Phase Transformation of Titanium
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