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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Presentation Title Leveraging Materials Innovation to Drive Industrial Gas Turbine Performance and Secure a Sustainable Future
Author(s) John Mason
On-Site Speaker (Planned) John Mason
Abstract Scope Industrial gas turbine engines are taking on greater importance in today’s energy landscape. Their high-power density, operational flexibility and lower greenhouse gas emissions relative to other traditional power generation sources make them a desirable energy solution. Improvements in gas turbine engine performance have been enhanced by an array of materials and processing advancements. Developments in nickel-base superalloys, advanced melt and refining techniques, single crystal casting technology, innovative thermomechanical processing and high-temperature and corrosion resistant coatings have contributed to the evolving gas turbine engine. As a result, gas turbines are performing in more effective, sustainable ways, while burning a wider spectrum of fuels from waste gas to hydrogen. Materials engineering innovations, such as Integrated Computational Materials Engineering, high entropy alloys and additive manufacturing, are driving progress in gas turbine technology development, application, and time-to-market. Other technological developments such as real-time condition monitoring, improved lifting methods, and innovative remanufacturing processes are bringing a sustainable advantage to owners and operators. These advancements, championed by a new generation of materials scientists and engineers, will further enhance and expand the performance and application of industrial gas turbine technology.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


Leveraging Materials Innovation to Drive Industrial Gas Turbine Performance and Secure a Sustainable Future

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