About this Abstract |
Meeting |
TMS Specialty Congress 2025
The 7th International Congress on 3D Materials Science (3DMS 2025)
Presentation Title |
3D-EBSD Characterization of the Microstructure Around a Crack Initiation on an Inconel 718DA Fatigue Sample |
Author(s) |
Frédéric Adamski, Florent Coudon, Ditoma Satera, Henry Proudhon |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Frédéric Adamski |
Abstract Scope |
Inconel 718DA is an alloy widely used in the aerospace industry for manufacturing high-pressure turbine discs, for which damage results from fatigue stresses. Fatigue crack initiation remains a mechanism that needs to be studied to improve our understanding. To this end, an interrupted fatigue test was carried out on a specimen with a flat surface in order to initiate a large number of short cracks with a length of a few tens of micrometers. One of these cracks was then selected for full EBSD-3D FIB-SEM characterization of the microstructural volume in its vicinity.
This talk will first focus on the protocol for generating, identifying and preparing the crack to be characterized. Next, the steps involved in reconstructing the volume from the 2D slices will be explained. Finally, the analysis of the microstructure and the crack path will provide further insight into the fatigue damage mechanisms of this alloy. |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Undecided |