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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Advanced Manufacturing, Processing, Characterization and Modeling of Functional Materials
Presentation Title Characterization of n-type Bismuth Telluride Processed via Selective Laser Melting
Author(s) Ryan Welch, Haidong Zhang, Saniya LeBlanc
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ryan Welch
Abstract Scope Thermoelectric modules are solid-state energy conversion devices that are used in thermal management and waste heat recovery applications. Additive manufacturing of thermoelectric materials may offer advantages through influencing material transport properties: Seebeck coefficient, thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity. This work investigates selective laser melting of n-type bismuth telluride (Bi2Se0.3Te2.7). We manufactured ingots of bismuth telluride and analyzed the meso-, micro- and nanostructure via optical and electron microscopy. Scanning electron and optical microscopy results showed the laser melted samples had a high porosity and non-equiaxed grain structure. Energy dispersive spectroscopy line scans revealed varying concentrations of constituent elements. Transmission electron microscopy confirmed the existence of nanoscale bismuth oxide inclusions within the sample. We concluded that the shift in primary charge carriers from electrons to holes was due to oxide formations throughout the material.


3D Printed Shape Memory Polymers: Electronics and Morphing
Characterization of n-type Bismuth Telluride Processed via Selective Laser Melting
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Epitaxial growth of a magnetic shape-memory alloy via laser melting and directed energy deposition
Establishing Fundamentals for Laser Metal Deposition of Functional Ni-Mn-Ga Alloys: Effect of Rapid Solidification on Microstructure and Phase Transformation Characteristics
Microstructure and Property Differences in Sintered and Annealed Binder-Jet 3D Printed Ni-Mn-Ga Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys
Strand Casting and Thermal Properties of Submillimeter Metallic Glass Wires

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