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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advancements in Lightweight Composites, Materials & Alloys
Presentation Title Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites for Electric Vehicle Powertrain Applications
Author(s) Xiao Li, Hrishikesh Das, Mayur Pole, Shane Kastamo, Adam Loukus, Jung Pyung Choi, Semanti Mukhopadhyay, Matthew J. Olszta, Aashish Rohatgi, Arun Devaraj, Glenn J. Grant, Darrell R. Herling, Mert Efe
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Aashish Rohatgi
Abstract Scope This talk presents two types of hybrid aluminum-TiB2 metal matrix composites (MMCs) for electric vehicle powertrain applications such as brake rotors, gears, and motors. Composites were produced by either liquid-phase or solid-phase processing routes. Liquid-phase route involved stir and squeeze casting, where submicron-sized TiB2 obtained from in-situ halide salt reactions were combined with micron-sized TiB2 powders. This allowed high volume fraction (up to 10 vol%) of total TiB2 and superior tribological properties in the MMCs compared to baseline and cast iron benchmarks tested under conditions relevant to the brake rotor application. Solid-phase route was based on friction consolidation of aluminum and TiB2 powders under high shear strains and temperatures, which enabled uniform distribution of 24 vol% submicron- and micron-sized TiB2 in the matrix. This resulted in significant improvements in elastic modulus, hardness, strength, and wear resistance of the composites, making them suitable to compete with steels in the structural applications.


A Study on Fabrication of a Hybrid Composite Metal Foam Using Aluminum Alloy, Cermet Hollow Spheres and Titanium-Hydride Powder for Higher Energy Absorption Applications
Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites for Electric Vehicle Powertrain Applications
Assessment and Selection of Mg-Based Alloys and Composites by Grey Relational Analysis for Fracturing Applications
Atomistic Modelling of Dislocation Behaviour in Stoichiometric and Off-Stoichiometric γ-TiAl
Automated Image Segmentation for High-Throughput Microstructure Analysis to Aid Aluminum Alloy Development
Core-Shell Dispersoids of Re-Aged Al-6Cu-0.5Mn-2Ni Alloy at 300°C: An Understanding of Their High-Temperature Stability
Effect of Dispersion Technique and Applied Load on the Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of Combined Stir-Squeeze-Cast AA6061-0.5 wt. % CNT Composite at Both Room Temperature and Elevated Temperature
Enhancing the Strength of Aluminum-Boron Carbide Composites to a High Degree by Magnesium Addition for Use in Automotive Applications
Establishing the Influence of Indentation Size Effect of Industrially Relevant Ti Alloys
Friction Stir Welding and Parametric Optimization of AA6061-T6 and Ti6Al4V Alloys with Nickel Interlayer
Gradient Alloying as a Combinatorial Approach for the Discovery of 100% Secondary Content Aluminum Alloys
High-Throughput Mapping of Thermal-Mechanical Properties of Cast Alloy Microstructural and Thermal Process Variation via Hot Shear Punch Method
High Temperature Tensile Strength and Creep Behavior of an L12 Strengthened Al-Ce Alloy
Improvement of Ti-6Al-4V Wear Performance through Various Surface Modifications
In-Situ Synthesis of New Aluminium-Boride Composites by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Using a Ball-Milled Precursor Powders
Influence of Solution Treatment Temperatures on the Grain Size of Wrought CuCrZr
Innovative Carbon Metal Composite Wires for Electric Motors
Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of (SiC+TiC) Dispersed AlSi10Mg Based Surface Composite Developed by Laser Composite Surfacing
Monotonic Tensile Behavior of CuCrZr at Room Temperature
Nitridation-Based Self Forming of Al6061/SiC Composites
Novel Nanocomposite High-Temperature Thermoelectric Materials
Powder Fabrication and Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Highly-Reinforced, High-Strength Aluminum Alloys
Q-Analysis of Lightweight Magnetic High Entropy Alloys for Applications in Aerospace
Reinforcing Characteristics, Electrical, and Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine-Grained Irvingia Wombolu/CNTs Hybrid Reinforced Al-7Si-2Cu-0.5Ni Eco-Composite Inoculated by Al-Nb-V-Zr Master Alloy
Strengthening In-Situ Fe-Aluminide Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites Through an Optimized Twostep Thermal Processing Method; Sintering and Uniaxial Forging
Utilization of Agricultural Waste for Reinforce Epoxy Resin Composite

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