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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Electrode Technology for Aluminum Production
Presentation Title The LCL&L Process: A Sustainable Solution for the Treatment and Recycling of Spent Potlining
Author(s) Laurent Birry, Stephane Poirier
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Laurent Birry
Abstract Scope Spent potlining (SPL) is a hazardous waste generated from the internal lining of Al electrolysis cells and consists of carbon and refractory bricks. It is classified as a hazardous waste because of its contamination with fluorides and cyanides and its hydroreactivity, generating explosive gases. Over the past number of years, the aluminum industry has made some progress by recognizing that SPL landfilling is no longer acceptable. In 2008, Rio Tinto inaugurated a new plant in Jonquière (Québec) for the treatment of SPL, based on the low-caustic leaching and liming process (LCL&L) developed in the early 1990s. This plant treats 80 kt of stored and fresh SPL annually. This treatment decontaminates SPL and produces inert by-products which can be used as raw materials in industries like cement industry. This paper describes LCL&L process characteristics, including valorization routes for its by-products and some recent improvements of the process to reduce treatment costs with better energy efficiency.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals


10 Years of Anode Research and Development: Alcoa & Université Laval Experience
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Carbon Anode Raw Materials – Where is the Cutting Edge?
Charcoal and Use of Green Binder for Use in Carbon Anodes in the Aluminium Industry
Development of a Soft Sensor for Detecting Overpitched Green Anodes
Diffusion Measurements of CO2 within Carbon Anodes for Aluminium Smelting
Energy Saving in Hall-Héroult Cell by Optimization of Anode Assembly Design
Environmental Benefits of Using Spent Pot Lining (SPL) in Cement Production
Higher Baking and Production Levels in Anode Baking Furnaces and Associated Challenges
How to Improve the Environmental Efficiency of the Hall-Heroult Process While Producing and Using Carbon Anodes?
Influence of Particle Shape and Porosity on the Bulk Density of Anode Grade Petroleum Coke
Major Reconstruction of Central Casing of Open Top Baking Furnace with a View to Increase Its Lifespan and Reduce the Total Costs Comparing to Full Reconstruction
Modelling of Gas Injection on Anode Baking Furnace and Application to Operations
Purification of Graphite by Thermal Vacuum Treatment of Spent Potlining
Ready-to-Use Cathodes for the Hall-Héroult Process
Redesigning of Current Carrying Conductor - The Energy Reduction Initiative in Low Amperage Hall-Héroult Cell
Solids Flow Considerations and their Impact in Smelter Carbon Plant Operations and Product Quality
Sustainable Spent Pot Lining Management Guidance
Testing of SERMA Technology on Industrial Anodes for Quality Control in Aluminum Production
The Development of Anode Shape, Size and Assembly Designs - Past Present and Future Needs
The LCL&L Process: A Sustainable Solution for the Treatment and Recycling of Spent Potlining
Trends in Carbon Anode Production

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