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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Ceramic and Crystal Materials for Optics and Photonics
Presentation Title Fabrication and Optical Properties of Yb-doped MgO Transparent Ceramics by Spark Plasma Sintering
Author(s) Xuan Chen, David Carloni, Yiquan Wu
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Xuan Chen
Abstract Scope Yb-doped (0, 0.02, 0.1 and 0.5%) MgO transparent ceramics are synthesized by using spark plasma sintering at relatively low temperature 1100°C for 5 – 60 min under a pressure of 105 MPa. The effects of dopant concentrations and sintering holding times on the densification and microstructure evolution of MgO transparent ceramics are investigated. The 0.02 % Yb-doped MgO ceramic sintered at 1100 °C for 60 min demonstrated the highest in-line transmittance, which is close to that of MgO single crystals. Yb dopant helps improve the transmittance and control the grain growth. The mechanism for the difference in phase and microstructure is studied. Photoluminescence and optical properties of the Yb-doped MgO transparent ceramics are investigated.


Fabrication and Optical Properties of Yb-doped MgO Transparent Ceramics by Spark Plasma Sintering
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Plate/Powder Form of Single Crystal Phosphors for High-brightness White Lighting
Self Activated Ca3Si2O7 + Ca2SiO4:Dy3+ Phosphors Derived from Agro-food Wastes
ZnS:Ag Scintillators: Synthesis, Microstructure, and Luminescence

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