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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Mechanical Behavior of Nuclear Reactor Components
Presentation Title C-ring Compression of SiC-SiC Cladding at 1200°C with In-situ X-ray Computed Micro-tomography
Author(s) Dong (Lilly) Liu, Jon Ell, Guanjie Yuan, Peng Xu, Roger Lu, Edward J. Lahoda, Harold Barnard, Dula Parkinson, Robert Ritchie
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Dong (Lilly) Liu
Abstract Scope In this work, SiCf-SiC accident tolerant cladding materials were examined using a unique hot cell to perform C-ring compression tests coupled with real-time X-ray computed micro-tomography (XCT) to image cracks formation and propagation through the surface coating and composite substrate at ambient and 1200°C. Two types of cladding with different coating thicknesses were examined. Their mechanical behavior was found to be very different which indicated a need for optimizing the thickness of the surface coating and composite substrate for both strength and damage-tolerance. During the experiments, an XCT scan was collected at each loading step until final failure, with digital volume correlation methods utilized to identify 3D strain concentrations. Incipient cracks were segmented for both types of samples, with their 3D distribution and interactions with the composite substrate characterized. Differences in the maximum local failure strains and their distributions in the two types of samples will be discussed.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Characterization, Composites, Nuclear Materials


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