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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Light Alloys, Advanced Forming Processes and Characterization
Presentation Title G-7: Enhanced Mechanical Properties of the Lightweight Ti-Rich Medium-Entropy Alloys by Thermo-Mechanical Treatment
Author(s) Po-Sung Chen, Han-Lin Tsai, Yu-Chin Liao, Pei-Hua Tsai, Li-In Wang, Jason Shian-Ching Jang, Chih-Yen Chen
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jason Shian-Ching Jang
Abstract Scope In this study, the MEAs were developed by adjusting Ti and Ni to explore the microstructure and mechanical properties. Among of all, the as-cast Ti65Ni3 MEA maintained as a single BCC structure and possess excellent tensile mechanical properties (YS. 1065 MPa, EL. 18%). In addition, the Ti65Ni3 were conducted with thermo-mechanical treatment to further improve the mechanical properties. The microstructure analysis revealed the Ti-Ni intermetallic compound was precipitated after the thermo-mechanical treatment and was identified to be the nano-sized Ti2Ni by TEM analysis. The results of tensile testing revealed the yield strength can maintain the similar mechanical properties, up to 1200 MPa yield strength with 20% ductility, by annealing for 30 minutes to 2 hours. In summary, the light-weight Ti65Ni3 MEAs possess outstanding mechanical properties. With suitable thermo-mechanical treatment, the specific yielding strength can reach up to 240 MPa‧g/cm3.


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G-7: Enhanced Mechanical Properties of the Lightweight Ti-Rich Medium-Entropy Alloys by Thermo-Mechanical Treatment
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