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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Scientific Methods in Art, Archeology, and Art Conservation Science
Presentation Title Preserving and Replicating Historical Artifacts
Author(s) Arif Sirinterlikci
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Arif Sirinterlikci
Abstract Scope Conservation and restoration of historical artifacts are as critical as unearthing or understanding them. Many institutions employ qualified people in preservation. The process of replicating artifacts is not new, but it has also relied on human talent. With the development of 2D scanners, we were able to digitize books or paintings to make them available to the public. With the help of new 3D digitizers, we are not only able to make digital copies of 3D artifacts and store the information forever including how they were made, but also, we can make physical replicas of them. 3D scanning also facilitates virtual reconstruction of artifacts if they are in fragments. After setting the fundamentals and current state of artifact preservation, this presentation focuses on 3D scanner use cases in preserving artifacts like paintings and statues. It concludes with replicating 3D artifacts by employing methods like 3D printing and RTV molding.


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Preserving and Replicating Historical Artifacts
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