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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Aluminum Reduction Technology
Presentation Title ML-Powered Pot Performance Prediction in Aluminium Smelter
Author(s) Manish Jaiswal, Shanmukh Rajgire, Atanu Maity, Kishor Pattnaik, Philip Hansda, Pramod Shukla, Kazi Arshad Ansari, Pratap Sahu, Debasish Mallik, Amit Jha
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Amit Jha
Abstract Scope Hirakud Smelter (HKD), a unit of Hindalco Industries Limited is a part of Aditya Birla Group (ABG). Hirakud Aluminium is an integrated aluminium smelting complex which uses GAMI Technology and is one of the oldest smelters in India, established in 1959. The potlines, converted from Søderberg to prebake in 2009, have inherent challenges in terms of technology and retrofitting the old pots to prebakes. Facing rising energy costs, aluminium smelters aim to reduce specific energy consumption by enhancing current efficiency (CE), which lowers energy use and boosts productivity. This article presents a predictive model using Logistic Regression to identify low-efficiency pots in 235kA aluminium smelting operations. Utilizing data from a 235kA pot-line, the model predicts pot efficiency with high accuracy and precision by analyzing key performance indicators and operational metrics. By providing real-time insights, it pinpoints underperforming pots, enabling targeted interventions that enhance overall process efficiency and productivity. The findings demonstrate the potential of machine learning in optimizing industrial processes and contribute to significant improvements in operational efficiency and resource utilization.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals
Keywords Aluminum, Machine Learning, Other


A New Concept for Measuring Heat Fluxes from Electrolysis Cells
Advancements of INAFeed Tech for Enhanced Efficiency and Reliability in Reduction Cell Operations at INALUM
AlF3 Shots Prediction for Optimal Temperature Control and Process Efficiency in Aluminium Smelter
Anode Change Resistance Addition Optimization
Anode Clamp Reliability Improvements in EGA DX Reduction Potlines
Basement Thermite Events in Smelting Operations
Cell Superstructure Tap Door Improvements for EGA DX Technology
Electrical and Magnetohydrodynamic Effect of Cathode Rodding and Anode-Cathode Arrangement in Aluminium Reduction Cell
Enthalpies for Dissolution of Alumina in Hall-Héroult Bath: Towards More Accurate Modelling of Energy Balances
Evolution of Power Modulation Technology in Response to Changing Market Conditions Worldwide
Experiences and Learnings from Two Major Power Outages at the Hydro Årdal Smelter
High End Robot for Reduction Cells Basement Cleaning In EGA Smelter
Hybrid Digital Twin for Stable Fluoride Content in Potroom Alumina Feed
Impact of Operational Practices, Housekeeping and Maintenance in the Reliability of Pot-to-pot Busbar Circuits
INALUM Pilot Pots Upgrade – Successful Completion of the Performance Test
Industrial Implementation of Digital Monitoring and Intelligent Control in Aluminum Reduction Cells
Industry Case Study: Optimisation of Alumina Feed Cycle According to Anode Process Operation
Ma'aden Reduction Potline Partial Failure Incident and Recovery
MHD Model Validation Through 3D Scanning and Big Data Analytics
ML-Powered Pot Performance Prediction in Aluminium Smelter
Modelling Aluminium Electrolysis Cell Cathode Assembly with Iron-Copper Composite Bars and Super Pastes
Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Pot Tightness, Heat Transfer, and Airflow in Aluminum Reduction Cells
Numerical Simulations of Copper Rod Insertion Effects on Current Density, Flow Field Distribution, Cathode Wear, and Electrothermal Dynamics in Aluminum Reduction Cells
Optimization of Alumina Feeding in Electrolysis Cells using Multi-Physics Modeling and Deep Learning Surrogate
Optimizing Aluminum Production: Overview of Semi-Partial Pot Reconstruction at PT Inalum
Optimizing Anode Change in Aluminum Cells – A Digital Twin Approach
Pilot Scale Regeneration of Aluminum Fluoride from Pure Bath
Pot Integrated Abart (PIA) Long Term Performance During Continuous Operation
Pot Shell Demolition Facility Reliability Improvement For EGA Smelter
Potential Significance of Baking Furnace Indicators to Potroom Business Performance
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Multi-Bubble Motion Using a Physical Laboratory Model of the Hall-Héroult Cell: From Sliding Under the Anode to Rising Up in the Side Channel
Reducing Cell Voltage at ALBRAS
Research and Application on Big-Data Breaker Jam Identification and Intelligent Control Technology Basing on Single-Point Feeding
Strategy to Increase the Number of High Purity Metal (HPM) Pots at INALUM
Study on the Interface Deformation and Anode Current Distribution Variation in the Process of Anode Change in Aluminum Reduction Cell
Task Cycle Transition Strategy at ALBRAS Potlines
The Application of Anode Current in Current Efficiency Improvement in Reduction Cells
The Influence of Calcium Fluoride on Entrainment of Electrolyte During Metal Siphoning
The (In)Evitable Link Between Carbon Dust and Anode Quality
Theoretical Basis for Future Control of Impurity Elements in Hall-Héroult Cells
Ultrafine Droplet Horizontal Desulfurization Technology for Aluminum Reduction Flue Gas and Its Demonstration Application

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