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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Aluminum Primary Processing - Decarbonization and Sustainability in Aluminum Primary Processing: Joint Session of Aluminum Reduction, Electrode Technology, and REWAS 2025
Presentation Title Opportunities to Reduce Calciner CO2 Emissions
Author(s) Maia Hunt, Matthew Childers, Les Edwards
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Maia Hunt
Abstract Scope For aluminum smelters operating with emissions free power, the carbon raw materials supply chain accounts for around 15% of the total smelter CO2 footprint. The calcined petroleum coke (CPC) supply accounts for ~85% of this with a significant portion coming from calciner process emissions. This paper provides a summary of calciner CO2 emissions which can be monitored in real time using online CO2 analyzers. Examples will be given to highlight the impact of factors such as green coke quality, fuel source, production rates, calciner type and kiln operating conditions. The paper will finish with a review of longer-term options to reduce emissions including the use of ACP (anhydrous carbon pellets) technology and carbon capture and sequestration. An example of a carbon capture solution for one of Rain Carbon’s calciners will be given using currently available and proven CO2 capture technology.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals
Keywords Other, Other, Other


Carbochlorination of Alumina: An Assessment Based on Single Particle Model
Development of the Carbon Footprint of Primary Aluminum Production
Inert Anode Aluminum Cells – Present Status and Future Prospects
On the Alloy Development of Ni - Fe - Cu Inert Anodes for Sustainable, CO2-Free Aluminum Electrolysis
Opportunities to Reduce Calciner CO2 Emissions
Progress of Carbon Capture Efforts in Primary Aluminum Smelting

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