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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Functional Defects in Electroceramic Materials
Presentation Title Design of Functional Decompositions for Solid State Batteries
Author(s) Xin Li
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Xin Li
Abstract Scope The energy density of battery system is limited largely by the electrochemical window of the electrolyte. In this talk, it is shown that how mechanically-induced metastability can greatly widen the operational voltage window of solid state batteries based on ceramic solid electrolyte far beyond organic liquid electrolytes. It is further shown both experimentally and theoretically that beyond the voltage window at high voltage how the decompositions of solid electrolyte in the bulk and at the interface to cathodes are modulated via the mechanical constraint, design of which forms a route toward higher voltage all-solid-state batteries. Our work is supported by a combination of high-throughput density functional theory simulations, machine learning analysis, advanced experimental characterizations and electrochemical solid-state battery tests.


Co-doping Strategies for Controlling Electrical Conductivity of BaTiO3 Ceramics
Defects Engineering in Epitaxial Complex Oxides for Designed Functionality
Design of Functional Decompositions for Solid State Batteries
Designing Optimal Defect Environments for High Ionic Conductivity and Surface Catalytic Reactions
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Energetic Landscape of Functionally Modified 2D Nano-ceramics for Energy Storage
Formation of Two-dimensional Heterointerface in Layered Oxides for Improved Electrode Performance
Functional Defects by Design in Energy and Quantum Materials
Structure and Energetics of Point Defects in Titanium Dioxide
Thermodynamic Insights into Engineering 2D Nano-ceramics Towards Powering Portable Electronic Devices

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