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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Opportunities and Applications of Solid-State Additive Manufacturing Processes
Presentation Title CALPHAD-Based ICME Design of Cobalt-Free High Entropy Alloy Binder for Cemented Carbides
Author(s) Pocket Pizzutillo, Soumya Sridar, Wei Xiong
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Pocket Pizzutillo
Abstract Scope Cemented carbides are widely used as cutting tools consisting of hard WC grains with a ductile metallic binder. The common metallic binder is Co, which is carcinogenic with a high cost. This necessitates the search for alternate Co-free binders that are non-toxic and cheap. High entropy alloys (HEA) with an equimolar or near equimolar ratio are suitable candidates since they are single-phase solid solutions with high ductility. Therefore, a proper design of an HEA binder for cemented carbides based on the process-structure-property relationship is essential. In this work, the CALPHAD-based ICME (CALPHAD: Calculation of Phase Diagrams, ICME: Integrated Computational Materials Engineering) framework will be employed to design an HEA binder. Thermodynamic calculations will be employed to screen the alloy compositions to achieve a large carbon window with no roofing effect. Diffusion studies will be performed to understand the interaction between the designed HEA and WC to improve the sinterability.


A Revolution in Digital Manufacturing: Integrating Machines, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Forming Technologies
CALPHAD-Based ICME Design of Cobalt-Free High Entropy Alloy Binder for Cemented Carbides
Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing of Copper Alloys and High-Entropy Alloys
Dissimilar Material Multilayer Deposition Using Additive Friction Stir Deposition
Enhancing Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 7075 Aluminum Walls Using a Hybrid Wire-Arc Directed Energy Deposition and Friction Stir Process
Machine Design for Small Scale Additive Friction Stir Deposition
Microstructural Effects of AFSD Repair on High Strength AA7050 Components
Optimization of Feedstock Powder Heat Treatment for Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing
Part Production by Additive Friction Stir Deposition: Opportunities and Challenges
Pore Boundary Tessellation For Microstructural Analysis of Binder Jet Printed and Sintered Porous Metal Structures
Repair of Aerospace Aluminum Through-Holes Utilizing Additive Friction Stir Deposition
Surface Alloying in the Cu-Al System via Friction Stir Processing of Cold-Spray Deposited Coatings: An Additive Manufacturing Approach to Localized Surface Treatment for Improved Mechanical Properties

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