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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Printed Electronics and Additive Manufacturing: Advanced Functional Materials, Processing Concepts, and Emerging Applications
Presentation Title Liquid metal printed ultraconductive transparent two-dimensional oxides for wearable bioelectrodes
Author(s) William J. Scheideler
On-Site Speaker (Planned) William J. Scheideler
Abstract Scope Conducting oxides are critical materials for next generation displays, solar cells, and sensors, but their high process temperatures and poor mechanical properties limit use in flexible electronics. We overturn these limitations via ultrafast, low-temperature fabrication of durable wearable electrodes via liquid metal printing of highly flexible two-dimensional (2D) conducting oxides. Our automated process based on Cabrera Mott oxidation deposits ultrathin (2 – 10 nm thick) 2D indium tin oxide (ITO) with >95% transparency and superlative conductivity (> 1300 S/cm) on par with sputtered films. We leverage hypoeutectic In-Sn for printing 2D ITO at < 140 ºC on polymer substrates. Our detailed characterization reveals the efficacy of Sn-doping, the crystalline nature, and large, platelike grain morphology formed by the liquid metal reaction environment. Finally, we demonstrate significant enhancement to bending strain tolerance, high scratch resistance, and low contact impedance to skin as a wearable bioelectrode for electrocardiography (ECG) and plethysmography (PPG).
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Electronic Materials, Additive Manufacturing, Nanotechnology


3D electronics fabricated by synergized multimaterial printing and freeform laser induction
3D necroprinter
3D printing of composites with controlled micro/macrostructure design for electronic packaging
Additive Manufacturing of Interconnect Structures for Microelectronics Packaging Applications
Additive Manufacturing of Magnetostrictive Transducers
Additive Manufacturing of Soft Magnetic Materials: Prospects and Challenges
Aerosol Jet Printing and Optimization of PEDOT:PSS for Flexible Electronics and Soft Robots
Bilayer Molybdenum Disulfide Strain Controlled Field Effect Transistor
Binder Jet Printing of Soft Magnetic Ferrite Materials: Motivations and Progress to Date
Conductive, Additive-free MXene Inks to Replace Metals and Carbons in Printed Electronics
Design of Materials for Energy Storage
Development of a Ceramic Ink for Stereolithography based 3D printing
Direct-Write and 3D Printing of Electronic Materials Enabled by Liquid Metals
Direct-Write of High Conductivity Metal Interconnects and Micro-Bumps via Confined Electrochemical Deposition
Discovery and Optimization of Conductive Nanoparticle Inks for Printed Electronics using an Autonomous Ecosystem
Enhance electrical conductivity and machinal properties of Cu-Cr alloys through Rapid Directional Solidification
Enhancing Electrical Conductivity of Laser-Induced Graphene Electrodes by Relasing and Dual-Wavelength Control
High-Throughput and Hybrid Printing of Multifunctional Materials and Devices
Hyper Devices: Using Aerosol Jet 3D Nanoprinting for Ultrahigh Performance Biomedical and Energy Storage Devices
Inkless Maskless 3D Printed Silicon Schottky Diodes
Laser Ablation and Sintering Enabled (LASED) Dry Printing Electronics and Functional Devices
Liquid metal printed ultraconductive transparent two-dimensional oxides for wearable bioelectrodes
Metal-MXene Composites: Enhancing Conductivity and Mechanical Properties via Advanced Processing
Micro Additive Manufacturing of Functional Hydrogels
Multimaterial Aerosol Jet Printing for Patterning Material Gradients
MXene-Based Inks for Direct Ink Writing of 3D Energy Storage Devices
Nanomaterial-based Material Extrusion: Printability and Applications
Non-subtractive, “near-net-shape” nanomanufacturing of 2D layered materials into highly-uniform “1D” nanoribbons and quantum wires
Optimization of aerosol jet-printed nanomaterial thin films for enhanced sensor performance
Printed Electronics for Cultivating Plants in Space
Printed Sensors for Extreme Environments
Printing Multifunctional Hydrogel Devices with Tunable Adhesion and Stretchability for Human-Machine Interfaces
Probing Inter- and Intra-flake Contributions to Reduced Electrical Properties in Percolated Flake Networks
Radically-Accessible Approach to 3D Printing of Full-Density Aluminum Alloys
Standalone Stretchable Device Platform for Biomedicine
Thermal conductivity measurement of a thin layer of the single crystals of PMN-PT using time Domain thermoreflectance (TDTR) technique
Towards fast, efficient, and sustainable metal AM: Novel ultra-high speed regime in LPBF printing of pure copper
Ultraconductive Copper-Carbon Nanotube Composite for Advanced Conductors
Unveiling the Potential of Hybrid Additive Manufacturing for Next-Generation Functionality in Printed Electronics

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