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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Phase Stability, Phase Transformations, and Reactive Phase Formation in Electronic Materials XX
Presentation Title Towards Predictive Solid-state Synthesis: Understanding Phase Evolution during the Formation of YBCO
Author(s) Chris Bartel
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Chris Bartel
Abstract Scope Solid-state synthesis is the bedrock of inorganic materials chemistry and an integral component of materials design. However, this approach is typically a “black box”, where the only observation is what formed from the precursor materials after a reaction at a predetermined set of conditions. In order to rationally synthesize new inorganic materials, it is critical to not only understand but predict what intermediates form and how they influence the reaction towards the synthesized phase(s). Using in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, we are able to show the evolution of phases during YBCO synthesis for the first time. Importantly, at each step of the synthesis pathway, we rationalize phase evolution within a thermodynamic framework built upon density functional theory calculations and a machine-learned descriptor for compound thermochemistry.
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Interfacial Microstructure Evolution of Ag/ENIG and Ag/Cu Joint under Thermal Aging
Interfacial Reactions in the Bi2Te3 Thermoelectric Modules
Intermetallic Reactions and Interfacial Stability in Cu-Co-Sn System
Introductory Comments: Phase Stability, Phase Transformations, and Reactive Phase Formation in Electronic Materials XX
Machine Learning for Perovskite Phase Stability
Review of X-ray Microbeam Study of Electromigration
Solid-Liquid Interdiffusion (SLID) Bonding; For Thermal Challenges in Microsystem Bonding
Solid-liquid Interfacial Reaction between Cu and In-48Sn Alloy
Study on the Phase Diagrams of Bi-Te-RE (Yb, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Tb, Er) Systems
Synchrotron White Laue Nanodiffraction Characterization of Allotropic Phase Transformation of Hexagonal- into Monoclinic-Cu6Sn5
Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Tin Alloy Powders by High Energy Ball Milling
The Microstructure and Properties Variations of Sn-coated Cu Wires Induced by Electromigration
The Significance of Transport Electronic Entropy in VO2
Thermomigration Failure Induced by Surface Diffusion of Sn on Ni/Cu Metallization in Microbumps for 2.5-dimensional Integrated Circuits Packaging
Towards Predictive Solid-state Synthesis: Understanding Phase Evolution during the Formation of YBCO
Using Machine Learning to Predict Hardness of Sn-based Alloys
Vertically Stacked 2H-1T Dual-phase TMD Microstructures during Lithium Intercalation: A First Principles Study

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