Abstract Scope |
We have developed a Monte Carlo Potts model for anisotropic grain growth in SPPARKS to study the impact of misorientation and inclination on the grain boundary (GB). The GB inclination is determined using a smoothing method. We compare the grain growth behavior for three different GB energy functions: 1) energy is only a function of misorientation; 2) energy is only a function of inclination; 3) energy is fully dependent on five degrees of freedom, three from misorientation, two from inclination. In addition, we also compare the growth for different initial grain structures: 2D bicrystal with a circular grain, 2D tricrystal with a triple junction, 2D polycrystal, 3D bicrystal with a spherical grain, 3D tetracrystal with a quadruple junction, and 3D polycrystal. |