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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Additive Manufacturing and Innovative Powder/Wire Processing of Multifunctional Materials
Presentation Title Tailoring Microstructure for 2 GPa Class AISI D2 Tool Steel by Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing (MEX)
Author(s) Min Su Jeon, So-Yeon Park, Yong-Hoon Cho, Michelle Baek, Hyoung-Seop Kim, Kee-Ahn Lee
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Min Su Jeon
Abstract Scope AISI D2, a high-carbon and chromium cold work tool steel, serves to illustrate the constraints of employing laser-based additive manufacturing (AM) technologies. In this study, AISI D2 was fabricated using a sintering-based material extrusion additive manufacturing (MEX) process, with the objective of improving its mechanical properties and microstructure through post-processing. Interestingly, carbides with a long length in Wrought D2 do not exist in MEX D2, and it show a nearly spherical shape at < 5 μm. The even dispersion of these micro-precipitates is a great advantage of the powder sintering process. Heat treatment enabled control nano-carbides and lath martensite structures. Tensile testing of the heat-treated sample revealed a high tensile strength of 2.09 GPa and an elongation of 1.27%, which outperformed the comparative materials, Wrought D2 (1.95 GPa/0.47%) and DED-built D2 (1.79 GPa/0.8%). The deformation mechanism was also identified in relation to the microstructural characteristics induced by the MEX process.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Additive Manufacturing, Iron and Steel, Mechanical Properties


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Tailoring Microstructure for 2 GPa Class AISI D2 Tool Steel by Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing (MEX)
Tailoring the Transition Microstructure of Bimetallic Builds Via Additive Manufacturing with High-Intensity Ultrasound
Unravelling Particle-Melt Pool Impact Dynamics and In-Flight Laser-Powder Stream Interaction in Laser Directed Energy Deposition Process

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