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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Thermal Transport in Crystalline and Non-crystalline Solids: Theory and Experiments
Presentation Title Non-linear Thermal Resistance Trend with Increasing Bilayer Density
Author(s) Zachary D. Mcclure, Christopher Saltonstall, Michael Abere, David Guzman, Samuel Reeve, Alejandro Strachan, David Adams, Thomas Beechem
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Zachary D. Mcclure
Abstract Scope Reactive metal multilayers (RMM) are a functional material with applications in heat generation, lead-free explosive primers and soldering, and welding. Devices are characterized by the exothermicity of the mixing nanolayers, and the thermal transport across the device. Scattering of thermal carriers primarily take place at the interfaces, and device properties in multilayer systems like Cu-Nb have been approximated by a linear series resistor model. However, recent multilayers of Al-Pt have shown a large degree of pre-mixing in their interfaces, and a non-linear trend with bilayer density is observed.  We use a computational approach that couples molecular dynamics (MD) and density functional theory (DFT) to capture thermal transport across a device while adding compositional gradient approximations. We study thermal transport properties of intermetallics and amorphous devices of Al-Pt over a range of compositions. Our results agree well with experiments and are used to capture the roll-over effect in Al-Pt multilayers.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


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