About this Abstract |
Meeting |
2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Additive Manufacturing: Microstructural and Mechanical Long-Term Stability of AM Materials
Presentation Title |
G-105: Fatigue Life Evaluation of Binder Jet Printed and Sintered Metal Components |
Author(s) |
Pierangeli Rodriguez De Vecchis, Katerina Frederick, Joseph Hayes, John Reidy, Kyle Myers, Markus Chmielus |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Pierangeli Rodriguez De Vecchis |
Abstract Scope |
The mechanical properties of Additive Manufacturing (AM) metal components dictate the replaceability of traditional methods for part fabrication. Binder Jet (BJ) printing, as one of the prominent AM methods is known to result in significant internal porosity that hinders load-bearing applications. In this study, the fatigue life of BJ printed and sintered copper and Inconel 625 (In625) alloys is studied and compared with traditional methods and/or different heat treatments. Results indicate a log-linear stress-lifecycles relationship for all BJ printed and heat-treated parts with high predictability (R2) and repeatability. The lifecycles remain lower than the wrought comparison even for HIPped samples, which improved on the as-sintered condition. In625 heat-treatment showed an expected detrimental effect consistent with the precipitation of the original microstructure. Fractography images show the largely ductile fracture of Cu samples and brittle behavior of In625 originating at regions of high through dispersed porosity or surface voids. |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Planned: |
Keywords |
Additive Manufacturing, Copper / Nickel / Cobalt, Powder Materials |