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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Bio-Nano Interfaces and Engineering Applications
Presentation Title Multi-Stage Biomineralization of Iron Oxide and Calcium Phosphate Phases in the Abrasion Resistant Teeth of Chiton Articulatus
Author(s) Ezra Sarmiento, David Kisailus
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ezra Sarmiento
Abstract Scope Nature synthesizes multi-functional composites through the controlled assembly of organic and inorganic components to prevent structural failure. Chiton articulatus is a species of mollusk found on Mexico's tropical Pacific intertidal rocky shores that feeds on hard crustose algae using its radula, a flexible chitinous membrane lined with mineralized major lateral teeth. Various microscopy, spectroscopy methods, and nanomechanical testing revealed the composition, morphology, and mechanics of the mature teeth. The superior mechanical properties are attributed to the controlled assembly of alpha-chitin nanofibers, likely coupled with proteins to template regio-specific mineral nucleation and growth. To understand the biomineralization processes, we investigated the pathways through which the iron oxide and calcium phosphate phases form and change from early-stage teeth to mature teeth. This study of structural development and biomineralization clarifies structure-mechanical property relationships and biological control mechanisms, aiming to apply these findings to fabricate high-performance nanomaterials and engineering composites.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Biomaterials, Phase Transformations, Characterization


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