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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Advances in Dielectric Materials and Electronic Devices
Presentation Title Integrating Material Fabrication, Characterization and Modeling to Maximize ROI
Author(s) Steven Tidrow
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Steven Tidrow
Abstract Scope Material properties for “ideal” systems, simple gases, elemental metals and semi-conductors as well as for some simply mixed “ideal” systems, like doping of semi-conductors are reasonably well understood. Less understood are ceramic systems that afford significant opportunities for an enormous range of devices and environments. Atomic positions in time and space define material properties and are related to boundary conditions: precursors, processing, kinetics, thermodynamics, etc. The Laboratories for Electro-ceramics (LEC) Group at Alfred University is integrating material design, fabrication, characterization and modeling to reduce the time for discovery and development of materials that outperform materials used in present energy storage and conversion technologies. Some of our ongoing efforts are discussed to illustrate our ability to a priori predict material properties using NSMM, mapping, and our ability to integrate material fabrication, characterization and modeling to maximize return on investment (ROI) in support of “sustainability”.


Chemical and Magnetic Phase Stability in BiXO3 by Density-functional Theory
Concentration Dependent Dielectric Behavior of [In, Ta] Dipole Pair Substituted BaTiO3 Ceramics
Correlative Models of Some Structural Aspects of Perovskites
Designing Electroceramics with Ferroelectric Grain Boundaries and Cold Sintering
Determining Complex Dielectric Properties from Coaxial Transmission Line Data Using a Machine Learning Approach
Dielectric Capacitance for Chemical and Biological Sensing
Identifying Dielectric Breakdown Micromechanisms in Solid Oxides with In Situ TEM
Integrating Material Fabrication, Characterization and Modeling to Maximize ROI
Investigation of Intergranular Dielectric Properties within the Relation between Fractal, Graph and Neural Networks Theories
Investigation of Relaxor-like Ferroelectrics in [Sc, Ta] Dipole-pair Substituted BaTiO3 Ceramics
Multiferroism and Magneto-electric Coupling Effect of M-type Hexaferrites
Novel Dielectrics, through [Ga, Ta] Dipolar-pair Substituted BaTiO3 Ceramics
Plasma-assisted Epitaxy and Piezoelectric Behavior of AlN Films on c-Sapphire
Relaxor-like Behavior in Dipole-Pair [Y, Ta] Substituted BaTiO3 Ceramics
Structural Peculiarities of Epitaxial PMN-PT Thin Films
The Synthetic Diamonds Electrical Conductivity with Fractal Correction

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