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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium High Performance Steels
Presentation Title Multi-Phase Field Modelling for Austenite Conditioning and Bainite Transformation
Author(s) Ashish Dhole, Ali Khajezade, Matthias Militzer
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Matthias Militzer
Abstract Scope State of the art Ti-Nb microalloyed line-pipe steels are designed to have a superb combination of strength, toughness, weldability, and corrosion resistance. There is an increasing demand of heavy gauge line pipes for applications in harsh environments. Thermo-mechanical processing of these thicker steel products introduces challenges such as non-uniform stresses, strains and temperature gradients leading to grain-scale heterogeneities. A multi-phase field model (MPFM) has been developed to describe through-thickness microstructure variations. A friction pressure is introduced to account for pinning and solute drag related to microalloying on austenite conditioning. Austenite decomposition into ferrite and bainite is simulated with an approach that combines interface anisotropies with the role of elastic energy contributions on the phase transformation. Both diffusional and displacive aspects of bainite formation are considered in this approach. The simulation results are benchmarked with experimental observations for selected line pipe steels.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Modeling and Simulation, Phase Transformations, Iron and Steel


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