About this Abstract |
Meeting |
TMS Specialty Congress 2025
The 7th International Congress on 3D Materials Science (3DMS 2025)
Presentation Title |
Study of Grain-Scale Plastic Events in Ti-7Al Alloys With Far-Field High-Energy Diffraction Microscopy and Graph Theory |
Author(s) |
Yuefeng Jin, Xiongye Xiao, Peiyu Zhang, Wenxi Li, Amlan Das, Katherine Shanks, Paul Bogdan, Ashley Bucsek |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Yuefeng Jin |
Abstract Scope |
Although plasticity is traditionally modeled as a smooth process in space and time, in some hexagonal close-packed materials like α-phase titanium-aluminum alloys, plasticity can occur in localized, grain-scale bursts, even before macroscopic yield. These grain-scale plastic events are important for understanding room-temperature creep and dwell fatigue. In this work, we use far-field high-energy diffraction microscopy (ff-HEDM) to characterize such events in a Ti-7Al sample during creep loading. To study the mechanisms, we apply graph analysis, where each node represents a grain, and the edge represent the grain connectivity. We analyze both local features of event-prone regions and global characteristics across the grain network. By examining the feature distributions and changes during loading, we gain insights into the initiation, propagation, and evolution of grain-scale plastic events, enhancing our understanding of how localized deformation contributes to material failure. This work is funded by the NSF STC Center of Complex Particle Systems (COMPASS). |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Undecided |