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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Thermodynamics of Materials in Extreme Environments
Presentation Title Atomic-Scale Structural Analysis of Metastable Zirconia
Author(s) Maik K. Lang, Alexandre Solomon, Eric O'Quinn, Gianguido Baldinozzi, Juejing Liu, Xiaofeng Guo, Joerg Neuefeind, Christina Trautmann, Rodney C Ewing
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Maik K. Lang
Abstract Scope Phases that exist beyond their thermodynamic fields of stability are important to emerging technologies. Metastable phases are prevalent in far-from-equilibrium processing approaches and often exhibit desirable chemical and physical properties. However, there is limited understanding of the atomic-scale structural mechanisms that allow metastable phases to be recovered to ambient conditions. Metastability plays an important role in the synthesis of different zirconia (ZrO2) polymorphs. We utilized a state-of-the-art analytical approach with neutrons from the world’s most intense pulsed neutron source to investigate the atomic-scale recovery process and the structural properties of the metastable tetragonal phase. Grain-size reduction to the nanometer range and bombardment with high-energy (GeV) ions were used to prepare this metastable form of zirconia. We show in this presentation that the formation of a hierarchical network of nanoscale domains of lower symmetry, separated by domain walls, is the underlying structural mechanism that provides the pathway to the metastable state.


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Atomic-Scale Structural Analysis of Metastable Zirconia
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Quantifying the Athermal Effect of Electric Current on Solid-Solid Phase Transformation of Titanium
Thermochemistry of RE2O3-P2O5 Systems
Thermodynamic Modeling of Molten Salt for Nuclear Applications: Challenges and Opportunities

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