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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Validation of Computational Tools - Industrial Perspectives
Presentation Title Validation of Electro-Slag Remelting Process Simulations for the Production of Commercial HAYNES® 282® Alloy Ingots
Author(s) Ram Krishnamurthy, Michael Fahrmann
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ram Krishnamurthy
Abstract Scope Electro-slag Remelting (ESR) is a commonly employed process for the secondary melting of advanced alloys. Following an overview of approaches used to model this process, we present results from a trial conducted to validate the numerical simulation of the melt process for producing a commercial-sized ingot of 282 alloy using a software package, MeltFlow-ESR™. As part of this trial, the solidification front at various times during the process, marked by deliberately dropping in pellets, was compared with those predicted by simulation. Other characteristics, including slag skin thickness and ingot dendritic structure were extracted by ex-situ analysis of the ingot and compared with those predicted by simulation. Physics-based modeling approaches to estimate the risk for formation of macro-segregation related casting defects in the ingots will also be presented. Inferences drawn from this work will be used to highlight the successes of, and opportunities for modeling approaches in advancing commercial ESR production.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Process Technology, Modeling and Simulation, Copper / Nickel / Cobalt


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Validation of Electro-Slag Remelting Process Simulations for the Production of Commercial HAYNES® 282® Alloy Ingots
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