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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Powder Materials Processing and Fundamental Understanding
Presentation Title Enhancing Performance of Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites Through Customized Reinforcement Distribution in Multi-Scale Segregated Structures
Author(s) Snehasish Adhikari, Karabi Das, Siddhartha Das
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Snehasish Adhikari
Abstract Scope The pursuit of achieving enhanced performance has led to the adoption of multi-scale segregated microstructure composites. These unique composites consist of two distinct regions: an outer ductile unmilled metal matrix region, which serves to constrain cracks while withstanding strain, and an inner region comprising of milled aluminium and reinforcements, providing strength. Current study highlights the development and characterisation of both conventional single-matrix composites and segregated matrix composites using aluminium as the matrix and aluminium nitride as the reinforcement for an Al-10wt% AlN composition. The composite fabrication process involves high-energy ball milling for 10 hours followed by 30 minutes of rotor mixing. Microstructure modifications are made based on the desired percentage distribution of the composite region (Pc) and matrix region (Pm). Structural, mechanical, and thermal analysis highlight the significance of segregated microstructure development and demonstrate how further adjustments to the Pc and Pm distribution expand the practical applications of this system.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Aluminum, Composites, Characterization


A Multiscale Thermomechanical Model for Simulating Sintering Distortions in 3D Printed Parts with Internal Lattice Structures
A Novel Method for Reconditioning Reused Laser Powder Bed Fusion Alloy Powder
A Sustainable Approach to Manufacturing Carbon Steels from Oxide Powder Feedstocks
Analysis of Defects and Testing of Tungsten Heavy Alloys
Blacklight Sintering of Ceramics
Boosting Mechanical and Tribological Properties in Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Inconel 718 Fabricated by High-Energy Ball Milling and Spark Plasma Sintering
Characterization of Surface Integrity in Post-Processed Ti–5Al–5Mo–5V–3Cr Parts Fabricated via Laser Bed Fusion
Characterization of Titanium Hydride Powders: Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Quartz-Crystal Microbalance (QCM) Methods for In-Situ Hydrogen Quantification
Comparison of DED Nozzles’ Performance via In Situ Synchrotron Radiography
D-36: Controlling Embrittlement in Refractory Nanophase Separation Sintering Alloys
D-37: Effect of Vacuum Heat Treatment on the Oxygen Concentration and Microstructural Features of 316H Stainless Steel Powder for PM-HIP
D-38: Evaluation of Effect of Particle Shape on Sintering Behavior by Large-Scale Phase-Field Simulations
D-39: Impurity Analysis of Powder from Different Material Systems Synthesized via Vacuum-Induction-Melting and Ultrasonic Atomization Powder
D-40: Investigating the Stability and Electronic Structure of Chromium Copper Oxide Catalysts Using XPS and DFT Modeling
D-41: Mechano-Chemical Competition in Mechanically Driven Complex Concentrated Alloys
D-42: Pm-HIP Production of Ductile Tungsten
D-43: Structural Engineering of (Bi/Mn) Double Perovskites for Photodetector Applications
D-44: Structure-Property Relationship for Bioinspired Ceramic-Metal Composites
D-45: Use of Field Assisted Sintering Technology (FAST) for the Manufacture of a Metallic Ultra-High Temperature Materials System
Developing PM High Entropy Alloys to be Used in Extreme Conditions: High Temperature, Corrosion and Hydrogen Embrittlement
Development and Optimization of a Nanoscale ZrO2 Suspension for Ceramic Stereolithography: Investigating Rheological Properties and Printing Parameters.
Development of Functionally Graded Al Metal Matrix Layered Hybrid Composite Reinforced with CNT ,Y2O3 & SiC Through PM Route
Dimensional and Geometrical Changes During Sintering of Binder Jetted Components
Direct Vat Photopolymerisation of Hierarchically Porous SiC Loaded With Co/Ni Based Catalysts by Utilising Pickering Emulsions
Effects of Powder Morphology and Capillary Phenomena in Liquid Phase Sintering of Binder Jet Additively Fabricated WC-Co Composite
Enabling the Manufacturing of Hierarchical and Layered Materials
Engineering of Ceramic Oxides Microstructures using Low Temperature Sintering Processes
Enhancing Aluminum with Graphene: Advances in Resistance-Based Sintering for High Conductivity Composites
Enhancing Performance of Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites Through Customized Reinforcement Distribution in Multi-Scale Segregated Structures
Experimentally and Computationally Driven High-Throughput Materials by Design
Exploring Sintering Behavior of High-Entropy Alloy Nanoparticles (HEA-NPs)
Fabrication of Iron Powder and Adjustment of Particle Size by Rotary Cup Atomizer-Water Curtain Process
Fabrication of Ti6Al4V Spherical Powders for Additive Manufacturing from Recycled Shavings
High Intensity Electric Nano Pulsing Technology for Rapid Materials Processing and Sintering
Influence of Heat Treatments on Ni-Based Superalloy Densified by Spark Plasma Sintering : Evolution of PPBs and Grain Boundaries Overlap
Influence of Manufacturing Processes on the Microstructure and Properties of High-Entropy Alloys for Advanced Applications
Integrating Molecular Dynamics and Experimental Techniques to Study Flash Sintering of Zirconia and 8% YSZ
Interface Structure and Characteristics of High Temperature Carbide Ceramics Co-Sintered with Lightweight Carbon-Carbon Composites
Low Energy Densification Processes for Ceramic Powders: Processing to Properties
Metallurgical Evaluation of Near-Canister Degradation of Charpy Toughness Observed in Low Alloy Steel Billets Produced by PM-HIP
Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of 6061 Aluminum Alloy Produced Through the Bound-Metal FFF Additive Manufacturing Process
Microstructural Evolution of Aluminum Alloy Powders Through In-Situ TEM and DICTRA Simulations
Moving Towards the Eco-Design of Flexible Piezoelectric Energy Harversters: Some Issues and Prospects
Multi-Step Mechanical Milling of Metal Swarf into Additive Manufacturing Feedstock Powder
Net Shape Hydroxyapatite Components via 3D-Printing and Sintering
Parametric Study of Additive Manufacturing using Martian Regolith Metals Recovered with Ionic Liquids
PLUFS: The Controlled Pressure-Less Ultra-Fast and Ultra-High Temperature Sintering
Powder Alloys for Green Body Printing and Sintering
Powder Flowability of Elemental Niobium, C103, and Other Structural Materials for Powder Bed Fusion
PowderJet: An Agile System for High Quality Metal Powder Production via Droplet-on-Demand Metal Jetting
Processing of Barium Zirconate-Based Protonic Conductors by Suitable Combination of Cold Sintering and Post Thermal Treatment
Processing of Micro/Nano-Sized Zirconia Particles with Enhanced Shape Memory and Superelastic Properties
Progress on Thermal Sprayed Ultrahard Coatings for Preventing Adhesive Wear of Stamping Die Surfaces
Self-Assembled Silica Colloids as Lightweight and Tough Composites
Sustainable Fe/FexOy for SMCs: Effects of Fe Powder Feedstock, Morphology and Particle Size
Sustainable Reconditioning of Stainless-Steel Powder via Disk Milling
The Fabrication of TiAl Composited with Near α-Ti Alloys using SPS and HIP
Thermal and Mechanical Property of Cu Material Composites as a Function of Ti and Cr Content by a Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS)
Tunable High-Energy Milling Toolsets for Refractory Nanocrystalline Alloys
Ultra-Fast High Temperature Sintering of Metal Alloys
Ultrafast Sintering with Versus without Electric Fields and Controlling Microstructures with Electric Fields
Ultrasonic Atomization for Spherical Powder Production of Reactive Materials
Understanding Powder Consolidation Processes with Compaction Experiments and Coordinated Modeling

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