About this Abstract |
Meeting |
TMS Specialty Congress 2025
The 7th International Congress on 3D Materials Science (3DMS 2025)
Presentation Title |
Three-Dimensional Twin Networks in Ti: Morphology, Connectivity, and Incompatibilities |
Author(s) |
Duncan A. Greeley, Hi Vo, Rodney McCabe, Carlos Tomé, Laurent Capolungo |
On-Site Speaker (Planned) |
Duncan A. Greeley |
Abstract Scope |
The mechanical response of HCP metals is mediated by the formation of 3D twin networks during deformation. Naturally, twin interactions are salient morphological features of these networks. To study the morphology of twin networks and assess the impact of twin-to-twin and twin-to-grain boundary contact on the development of mechanical incompatibilities, a 3D twin network in cryogenically compressed high-purity Ti was characterized using serial sectioned EBSD. The network structure and shear incompatibilities at twin intersections were investigated, and interface accommodation mechanisms for the incompatibilities were explored. The network displays a complex morphology centered around ‘hub’ twins that display over 15 intergranular and intragranular contacts. The magnitude of the induced incompatibilities depends on the 3D orientation of the twins and interfaces, and the study reveals that high incompatibilities – potential precursors to shear localization – appear to emanate from incidental contact between separate twin chains and at triple-junctions of twins. |
Proceedings Inclusion? |
Undecided |