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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Structure-Property Relationships in Molecular Crystal Deformation
Presentation Title Mechanical Properties in Pharmaceutical Solid Oral Dosage Form Development: Bridging Molecular Interactions and Performance
Author(s) Raimundo Ho
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Raimundo Ho
Abstract Scope Mechanical properties of the active pharmaceutical ingredient have significant impact on manufacturability and product quality of water-soluble solid oral dosage forms. Depending on the mechanical properties, molecular crystals can deform, chip, fragment and/or develop disorder due to external stress, impacting drug substance and/or drug product unit operations, and end-product attributes, stability and dissolution. This presentation will discuss methodology used in the characterization of mechanical properties of API by nanoindentation, the influence of crystal structure and intermolecular interactions on the mechanical properties, particle informatics tool that can be used to understand particle breakage and resulting surface chemistry, as well as the influence on powder properties and pharmaceutical unit operations, including agitated drying process, twin screw granulation and compression.
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A shocking look into the large single crystal energetics and their analogues
Advances in mesoscale modelling of highly filled composite explosives
Crystal structure prediction of energetic materials using Genarris and GAtor
Dislocation mediated plasticity in PETN: indentation and high-rate deformation
Elucidating Tabletability of Pharmaceutical Solids based on Plasticity Quantified by Nanoindentation
From Atoms to Constituent Models for Energetic Molecular Crystals
high-fidelity simulations of shock to detonation transition
Impact of Nanoindentation Tip Geometry on Orientation-Dependent Nanomechanical Behavior of PETN
In-situ Mechanical Characterization of Molecular Crystal Materials
Interconnections between High Explosive Mechanical Strength and Reactivity in the Buildup to Detonation
Mechanical Properties in Pharmaceutical Solid Oral Dosage Form Development: Bridging Molecular Interactions and Performance
Mechanical response of single crystal acetaminophen over an extended strain rate
Molecular Crystals - A New Class in the Global Materials Space
Multi-Scale Model For Describing The Thermo-Mechanical Behavior Of Polycrystalline Energetic System Subjected To Dynamic Loadings
Multiscale Modeling of Material Strength for the Shock-to-Detonation Behavior in Heterogeneous PETN
Organic Molecular Crystals as Explosive Simulants in Polymer Composites
Physical Aspects of Plasticity and Constitutive Modeling of Molecular Crystal HMX
Plasticity and heat conversion of energetic materials under different dynamic loading conditions
Quantitative Analysis of Granular Explosives through Examination of the Compaction Manufacturing Process
The onset of plasticity in molecular crystals during contact loading
The ultimate strength of plastic bonded explosives under uniaxial stress compression at strain-rates beyond 1000 /s
Understanding milling behavior of pharmaceutical crystals through quasistatic and dynamic mechanical testing
Understanding the correlation between mechanical properties, crystal structure and tabletability of pharmaceutical cocrystals
Using Terahertz Spectroscopy to Probe the Reactive Coordinates and the Mechanical Response of Crystalline Solids

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